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moonshaz December 5 2016, 02:26:38 UTC
Still reading Game of Thrones. I am finding the way he switches back and forth between characters to be frustrating. Like, something is about to happen, then the chapter ends, and there are 4 chapters about other characters before he gets back to the thing that was happening. The whole thing feels like it's moving in slow motion, and I think that's why. I really want to finish it, but my ADHD is putting up a fight, lol.

I also got my copy of Fantastic Beasts (the screenplay) from Amazon, and I couldn't wait to read it, so I'm switching back and forth between that, GoT, and a true crime book I started this week. (Did I mention I have ADHD?)


by_venoms_sting December 5 2016, 03:12:36 UTC
It took me three months to read AGoT lol.

The switching back and forth was a momentum/interest killer until well over half way through the book. That said when the ball finally got rolling it got real good.


moonshaz December 5 2016, 19:24:00 UTC
Glad to hear there's a point where things are going to pick up. I'm not even halfway yet, so I guess I have a ways to go before that happens, lol.


by_venoms_sting December 5 2016, 19:33:43 UTC
It's been years since the first time I read it so my estimate may be off (I have read the book twice so my perspective on crucial moments has changed due to my knowledge of future events so I'm trying rely only on my memory of that first read) but I'm sure about it being at least the half point or a bit past it.

GRRM had to do a lot of set up for the big moments in the later half but it made the dull moments worth it.


eveofrevolution December 5 2016, 05:54:04 UTC
by_venoms_sting December 5 2016, 15:27:31 UTC
See I struggled with the first book but the rest weren't difficult to get through to me (though I did cheat a bit by doing a combo read of affc and adwd).

Smh at you telling her to watch the show. That way only leads to more pain and suffering.

Plus I read the first two books with out seeing the show and was fine lol.


eveofrevolution December 5 2016, 15:50:20 UTC
by_venoms_sting December 5 2016, 16:01:17 UTC
lol I knew had good intentions bb, don't worry.

Yeah keeping who's who straight in the beginning especially since characters (mainly Ned) kept bringing up Robert's Rebellion which included lots of people who aren't around in the current story. I also think there were references to other people from other houses that didn't come into play until later as well (the Martells, naming dropping Margaery, etc.).

Myself and others may poke fun at "Martin Genitics" but I'm glad it exist cause once you start to remember house sigils and the general look~ of people from each house it easier to keep track of who is on what side of the current conflict.


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