Surviving in Trump's America: 10 things women can do to protect their rights

Nov 30, 2016 17:02

After the shock of Donald Trump’s presidential win wore off, it didn’t surprise me that one of the first things I saw women doing online was advising others to get IUDs as soon as possible. Anticipating the end of Obamacare, coverage for birth control, perhaps even abortion, a lot of women started to think about long-term contraception and talking about their options online. With social media, getting involved is easier than ever. And with Trump- the most overtly misogynist politician in history - in office, we have our work cut out for us. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but here are 10 things women can do that might ease our minds, and protect our rights.

1. We all know that reproductive justice will be under the gun with Trump - and Pence, a well-known extremist on abortion rights - in office. Lots of people are already donating to Planned Parenthood, which is great. But we should also give some love - money and time - to independent abortion clinics and abortion funds (small grassroots orgs that raise money to help women afford their procedures).

2. If you’re considering getting that IUD while your insurance carrier still covers it, now also might be a good time to stock up on Plan B, better known as the morning-after pill. It’s over the counter now, but that could change.

3. Get a passport if you don’t already have one. This is especially important for trans people, because they are good for much longer than driver’s licenses and right now you can list your gender without having to provide proof, and don’t need to have your name legally changed.

4. If you’re a young person, find out what your school’s sex education curriculum is like and if you have comprehensive sex ed - protect it. Organize with fellow students, lobby your school board, reach out to reputable sex-ed orgs for help. Abstinence-only education funding could be reinstated and dangerous (and inaccurate) ideas about sex, sexuality and gender could be taught.

5. In the wake of electing a president who normalized sexual assault by calling it “locker room talk”, do not be surprised if you see an uptick of everyday harassment and assaults. Pay attention to organizations like Hollaback (fights against street harassment) and Know Your IX (protects students’ Title IX rights as they pertain to sexual violence), and find out your workplace and school discrimination/harassment policies.

6. If you are a DREAMER, immigration rights experts are suggesting that you do not apply for a temporary work permit if you don’t already have one as it could open up undocumented young people to possible deportation under a Trump administration. If you want to support undocumented young people, see if the schools in your area have appropriate and progressive policies and resources for DREAMERs, and ask local organizations already working on the issue how you can best support them.

7. Fight back against the misogynist-in-chief by making sure there are more women than ever in other offices. And consider running yourself. Look at your city council, local offices - even the PTA. Exert positive influence where you can.

8. Hate crimes are already on the rise since Trump won the election. If you’re afraid for yourself, or think your rights are being violated, contact the ACLU. If you want to support those that are being targeted - show up. Go to protests, donate money to Black Lives Matter and listen to what Muslim activists are saying about what they need right now. Pay attention to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

9. Start local. We’re all sharing on Facebook and Twitter, looking for ways to channel our energy. In addition to doing that and looking at the big organizations that are known nationally - find out what your community needs. What’s going on in the school system, in your town?

10. As the culture war rages on, one of the things we’re going to be told is that Americans don’t actually hold progressive values. We’re going to see an increase in shaming around issues like abortion, LGBT identity and sexual assault. If you are able to speak out about your experiences, able to share your story - do it. Post on Facebook, use a hashtag on Twitter or just talk to people in your everyday life. If we can lessen stigmatization culturally, it could help sway policy as well.

Source: The Guardian

I don't know about anyone else, but I really appreciate the concrete suggestions this article provides. Ever since the world as I know it came to an end the basket of deplorables shat on us all by electing Voldemort the election happened, I've been itching to do something, but couldn't figure out what. Now I have a few more ideas than I did before.Hope this is helpful to others as well.

birth control, islamophobia, misogyny, hate crimes, sexual harassment, reproductive rights, sex ed, immigration, race / racism, sexual assault, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, donald trump, activism, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities

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