The world's most persecuted people?

Nov 24, 2016 20:55

OP: The Rohingya, an ethnic group in Burma (also often called Myanmar), have been referred to as the most persecuted people on earth (see here, here, and here).

A recent increase in attacks against the Rohingya in the country has seen many flee the country to neighboring Bandladesh (see below).
Rohingya Muslims flee Myanmar ( Read more... )

race / racism, refugees / asylum seekers, genocide, myanmar / burma, human rights, *trigger warning: racism

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soleiltropiques December 1 2016, 05:00:52 UTC
Sorry for taking so much time to reply.

I think it's important to say that this really isn't your fault! :)

You sound like you are a good person and you are aware of the problems. Of course it is important to do what we can to help (and it's important to care and to educate those around us when we can), but you obviously know this, so don't blame yourself. :)

One option is to contribute to human rights organizations working in the region.

Here is an (a bit old) article about how people can help the Rohingya:

Also, have you considered donating through Muslim organizations? Perhaps this could be a way to help.

I found this online: The Islamic Relief Organization (USA) is apparently a registered charity in the US. (See the site They have apparently work in Myanmar to aid the Rohingya:

Another option is to join/contribute to human rights organization(s) (e.g. Amnesty International) who work to promote human rights. :)

Hope this helps! :)


adalmin December 2 2016, 01:33:48 UTC

Thank you for this. I literally just had another fight with my mom about it, and like to be completely fair, she can't exactly ask around when she visits Burma or she might face retaliation. Thank you for the links.


soleiltropiques December 2 2016, 05:37:25 UTC
You're so welcome. :) Glad I could help. :)


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