Hillary Clinton urged to call for election vote recount in key states

Nov 23, 2016 01:51

A growing number of academics and activists are calling for US authorities to fully audit or recount the 2016 presidential election vote in key battleground states, in case the results could have been skewed by foreign hackers ( Read more... )

wisconsin, russia, technology / computers, pennsylvania, voting, michigan, election 2016, hillary clinton

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nemesid November 23 2016, 11:31:33 UTC
Sore loosers, get over it- you lost. What you're trying to push for is a civil war.


invisiblegirlx November 23 2016, 15:25:28 UTC

it's not being a sore "looser" if fraud was committed. especially when your candidate won the popular vote


nemesid November 23 2016, 17:44:38 UTC
Where in Constitution does it say popular vote matters?


invisiblegirlx November 23 2016, 18:15:34 UTC
nobody said it matters but when the candidate who wins doesnt have the popular vote there will always be questions about mandate and legitimacy. there was also strategic campaigns by republican governors to keep democratic voters from the polls or to disqualify their votes. i think its only right in this situation to look at the closer states to make sure there was nothing untoward.


nemesid November 23 2016, 18:35:53 UTC
Would you agree that no civil war is better than a civil war?

If so, elections are run under certain rules, and by these ruler T won. Close but still, any other charts ratings and popular vote do not count at all.

Just so you know here in Canada we are unhappy at all as our popular vote is won clean by Conservatives and elections are won by Liberals. So it's exactly the reverse to what you guys have.


invisiblegirlx November 23 2016, 18:51:51 UTC
haha okay then. in canada we were ruled by a party on the right for 10 years while 60% of canadians voted center left or left. in fact, the conservatives were so hated that people voted strategically for the liberals just to get them out. the conservatives dont want electoral reform because FPTP is the only system they can win with because their rural base has votes that count more than urban canadians' do, just like the electoral college in the us. the system benefits conservatives.


nemesid November 23 2016, 19:02:32 UTC
We making assumptions now as I'm exactly of the opposite opinion, that "winner takes it all" system is only good for liberals.

Also, calling Harper right wing is obviously a joke. More right than others -yes but whole Canadian politics is left wing


(The comment has been removed)

nemesid November 25 2016, 01:33:59 UTC
There're multiple definitions of left wing and right wing.

I wish to note, however that key difference between left and right is acknowledgement(or not) of equality of all human beings.

Unless someone refuses to accept equality, he is not right wing.


spiritoftherain November 25 2016, 08:48:58 UTC
Are you fucking serious? Expanding the prisons, installing Patriot Act style government surveillance with secret police spying on citizens, stirring up anti-Muslim sentiment with the "barbaric cultural practices" hotline last year? Destroying environmental protections acts, lobbying endlessly for oil companies, supporting air strikes on Syria and signing trade deals in secret with China?

I hated Harper with every fibre of my being, so it feels really weird to be defending him as an example of far-right conservatism. I honestly have no fucking idea what you're trying to argue by saying he isn't, other than possibly just taking a general shit on my country.


nemesid November 25 2016, 10:59:40 UTC
Amongst all these Harper actions, what exactly is a right wing?


spiritoftherain November 25 2016, 11:20:15 UTC
"Anti-terrorism", "Tough on crime," "Oil creates jobs", "Foreigners are a potential national security threat," and "Freedom is a price we pay for security."

But in hindsight, although he did an intense amount of damage to Canada in the past nine years, at least he was just a regular old bastard corrupt politician, and not a jumped-up meme-spewing alt-Reich fucklord on Twitter. Small... mercies??


nemesid November 28 2016, 01:34:09 UTC
Well, it seems to me like common sense sounds like a right wing to you.

Tough on crime? Laugh, not tough enough. Seriously, us Trump-kins think its not enough :)
Oil does create jobs and it will for another 20-30 years, then we are off to renewables one hundred percent. Look at countries like Norway- the ONLY benefit they have(and they are so left wing), is they are boasting into oil.

Foreigners are real threat and not a potential. Its worthy to travel around the world to see this, but people are not in a any way equal. Several billion people are still into middle age habits, you just cant have them here. In fact, you still do and this is why us, trump-kins move out into suburbia- to stay away from trash.

And the last, Harper doing damage to Canada..did we not fly through 2008 reception like nothing happens? Whole world went down except for Poland, Canada and couple more hot spots. Who takes the credit? Think Harper was in power long enough by then.


spiritoftherain November 28 2016, 01:53:29 UTC
You actually think Bill C-51 and giving secret police powers to search and detain potential criminals wasn't tough enough on crime? Jesus fuck, why not advocate setting up the Ministry of Love and declaring war on Eastasia ( ... )


nemesid November 28 2016, 02:00:45 UTC
-Where exactly in Bill C-51 does it give secret police(?) powers to search and detain potential criminals?

-Listen. You can NOT open cages in a Zoo and hope for magic that tigers and wolves will peacefully coexist with humans. These guys are animals. Not all of them, but a LOT. Ten per cent, twenty? Fifty? No one knows. You want to be better- make their life better THERE, not bring them HERE so they do their animal lifestyle here.



moonshaz November 23 2016, 19:31:28 UTC
Would you agree that no civil war is better than a civil war?

And that, my friends, is a great example of the logical fallacy known as the false dilemma or bifurcation fallacy.

Definition: The bifurcation fallacy is committed when a false dilemma is presented, i.e. when someone is asked to choose between two options when there is at least one other option available. Of course, arguments that restrict the options to more than two but less than there really are are similarly fallacious. Source

This question presents a false dilemma, because it assumes that the only two possible outcomes are 1) demand a recount and have a civil war or 2) let the results stand and have no civil war. This is a false and ridiculous assumption, so you lose.

I would say thanks for playing, but that would imply gratitude for and/or appreciation of your rather feeble efforts.


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