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amw November 22 2016, 22:08:39 UTC
This is a great post ( ... )


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lollycunt November 23 2016, 02:30:09 UTC
Yes, maybe in theory free trade would be great for everyone and would relieve economic inequality, but in practice these trade deals cripple the ability of governments to create regulations, especially with respect to the environment and on labor.


amw November 23 2016, 06:40:41 UTC
This is a very complex and nuanced topic, so inevitably blanket statements are going to come across sounding a bit tone-deaf. I am also not a macro-economist, so it's hard for me to discuss the details with confidence. What I will say is that I definitely understand the arguments of those on the left who are scared of trade deals.

Here in Europe there is a strong leftist movement against TTIP for exactly the reasons lollycunt mentioned below - it risks inflicting America's woefully inadequate environmental and labor laws upon those of a far more progressive EU. This is a problem, for sure. But I would rather that the left try to amend trade deals to ensure we get the best environmental and labor protections worldwide than echoing the nationalist/populist position that we pull out of them altogether ( ... )


lightframes November 23 2016, 01:41:42 UTC
It's hypocritical for us to stand around pretending we are so hard-done-by when our lifestyles are built on the backs of long-suffering citizens of developing nations.

I 100% agree.


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