Massive March for Women's Rights Planned for Trump's Inauguration

Nov 12, 2016 17:40

President Donald Trump may be met with a massive protest on Washington just one day into his term.

Activists are organizing a "Women's March on Washington" for January 21, 2017, the day after Trump is inaugurated, to demonstrate their disgust with the election of a man who has been repeatedly accused of sexual harassment and assault. More than 41,000 people have signed up to attend just two days after a group organized on Facebook, and more than 115,000 are listed as interested in attending the rally.

"We need to be working together in a coherent, supportive way over the next four years, to activate more women into leadership positions, to be more politically active," Bob Bland, one of the organizers, told Reuters. "We cannot allow ourselves to give up, put our heads down and not hold this administration accountable for any violation of human rights or women's rights."

Attendee Luanna Meyer wrote that "we need to make clear that women will not allow this president-elect to deny or belittle hard-won rights. Peaceful demonstration and free speech are two of those rights, so please join us if you believe in democracy for a nation that seems to be filled with far too many who wish to replace it with hate, racism, sexism, demagoguery and bigotry against those who have been victimized far too many times and for far too many years."

Attendee Luanna Meyer wrote that "we need to make clear that women will not allow this president-elect to deny or belittle hard-won rights. Peaceful demonstration and free speech are two of those rights, so please join us if you believe in democracy for a nation that seems to be filled with far too many who wish to replace it with hate, racism, sexism, demagoguery and bigotry against those who have been victimized far too many times and for far too many years."

Poster Meghan Boots wrote that she wishes "this were the march for 'the other,' which are all the groups that (Trump) threatened harm to: Mexicans, Muslims, women, LGBT." Poster Jewels de Campana agreed, suggesting the effort should be a "civil rights march, addressing the rights of all marginalized have the potential to merge various groups together to create one gigantic march that addresses a variety of rights and concerns, and I think that will have a much greater impact than just a march for women's right(s)."

The prospect of a march also drew detractors to the Facebook page, with one poster calling the people involved "despicable human beings." Phil San Filippo wrote: "Our brave women and men in the Armed Services are dying, the homeless rate is up, drug use is up, there's a refugee crisis and you morons are only concerned about your vaginas." Poster Michael Dominic Incata told protesters to "get over it," writing, "The Constitution calls for a fair, open and legal election of the POTUS. All those things happened. So, having a cry-fest to whine about the decisions of almost 60 million legal voters shows your contempt for the election process and your hypocrisy."

The detractors aren't likely to dampen the enthusiasm for the event, however.

"We have a huge groundswell of women," organizer Fontaine Pearson told Reuters. "This is growing faster than anyone expected."

Source: Newsweek

Some of you may have heard about this under the name "Million Woman March," which is the original name. It's now officially the "Women's March on Washington 2017," but there are still lots of stories calling it by the other name.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm going to try to go.

womens rights, fucking valuable thing, oh shit the internet is here, human rights, civil rights, women, donald trump, activism

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