Battle for Mosul could create 'biggest (...) humanitarian crisis in the world this year'

Oct 17, 2016 16:31

Battle for Mosul: Civilians face 'impossible choice'

Aid groups warn huge numbers of civilians are at risk as a major offensive to recapture ISIL-held Mosul gathers pace.

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refugees / asylum seekers, war, iraq, isis/isil/daesh, war crimes, human rights

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Comments 9

prlsb4swiine October 17 2016, 21:19:48 UTC
From the sources I've been reading I feel like much more could have been done/could be done to save all these people and prevent minimal civilian losses. I'm worried bc obviously ISIS plays dirty, and all these innocent people will be caught in between. :(


moonshaz October 17 2016, 23:35:25 UTC
I'm sure a lot more could have been done. But the focus has been to fight ISIS, and these poor people are just getting caught in the middle and screwed over accordingly. D-:


yamamanama October 17 2016, 23:58:38 UTC
Especially because the Shi'ite militias aren't any better than ISIS.


soleiltropiques October 19 2016, 18:07:55 UTC


mustikas October 17 2016, 22:12:55 UTC
Ugh, I hate the world.


soleiltropiques October 19 2016, 18:09:12 UTC
I agree -I try to keep informed and learn things, but for my mental health I really need to shut off the news periodically.


calinewarkwc69 October 18 2016, 22:38:55 UTC
I had to come back to this article, because ONCE AGAIN, it gave me such insight to the plight we face in Iraq and I went home and talked to my boyfriend about it-- again (I feel like I do this with a lot of your posts, they're also so good) and it was one of those conversations that was bleak but also motivating to us to keep working hard at changing the world any way we can-- mostly, I just weep for all of these people. I wish I could take each last one of them into my house.


soleiltropiques October 19 2016, 18:14:27 UTC
Thanks so much for your lovely comments.

But yes, this is so, so sad. I *wish* politicians and leaders would start putting human rights first. Instead of, you know, last. It's utterly disgusting.


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