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blackjedii October 13 2016, 22:31:11 UTC

Ding-dong, the witch is dead! Stick a fork in that disgusting piece of trash, because he is DONE!

no bb there are still three weeks and Assange is still chillin at the embassy dreaming of revenge

this is gonna be a shitshow


layweed October 13 2016, 22:32:50 UTC
Yeah he's said sooooooooooo much in this election and people aren't done supporting him. It's clear they aren't going to stop supporting him either. It'll be done when the last votes are in and a winner is declared. But until then...ugh.


screamingintune October 14 2016, 04:05:29 UTC
in some states he's polling in the 30s tho. I mean, 35-40% are his diehards, but he's alienating everyone else. His numbers have taken a massive nosedive and early voting is already underway in some states. I think he's dunzo tho that's no reason for ANYONE to get complacent.


moonshaz October 14 2016, 07:48:03 UTC
I figured somebody was bound to make the "don't take anything for granted" argument, lol. I really do think he's done, and most of the (non-right wing) media seems to think so.

I agree that complacency can be a dangerous thing, but all the same, I can't contain my jubilation right now!


that_which October 14 2016, 10:11:52 UTC
He's been doing a pretty piss poor job so far. His first dump netted out at Clinton being able to get rid of DWS, Obama's girl at the DNC, and poke the bombthrowers into exiling themselves from the convention (sorry, you do not disrespect Elijah Cummings).

Then he burned Alex Jones and made a mockery of the whole mess with everybody watching (I guess Putin's people weren't done writing them yet?), released forgeries so clumsy Fox was forced to apologize for quoting them, and at that the only thing that stuck was a nothingburger about Clinton asking for an innocuous off-the-record quote about Sarah Palin's moose stew was left out of an article. Oh, and Trump's team inserting 'facts' from a soviet agitprop site into a speech written before they were posted.

At this point, I'm not sure he's hiding from us in that embassy. Uncle Vlad must be pissed.


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