Seeing tweets and rationalizations that "I didn't know what it was" or "half the people attacking him didn't know what Aleppo is either" is ludicrous and infuriating. I'm so sick of this idea that people want or need ELECTED LEADERS to be on the same knowledge or intelligence level with any random twit.
We should want to elect leaders who KNOW things that everyday citizens are not necessarily up to date or in the know about, ESPECIALLY when it comes to Politics, and the World theater.
Let's say a Math teacher is applying for a job, so he's giving a guest lecture. If he is up there scratching his head at the formula on the board, the last thing we'd want to hear someone say is "Well 1/2 the students didn't know the answer either!" For fuck's sake.
THIS IS THE DAMN JOB. It's their job. It's their ONE damn JOB.
I so fucking agree it's not funny. On the other hand. When it comes to the current Libertarian party, not to mention the Greens and the Trumpublicans, non-interventionism is gospel. So why should they care about a city in a pissant little war-torn country on the other side of the planet that has no money and nothing to trade?
In my opinion, this kind of ignorance is just another reason why the only candidate worth considering this time round is Hillary Clinton. You can be right-wing, left-wing, whatever, and still believe that interacting with and caring about human beings all over the planet is important. In fact, that's exactly what I expect a head-of-state to consider, since domestic concerns are better handled by the local and state representatives. Sadly the current populist trend in America appears to be isolationist navel-gazing, even at the federal level. Oh well.
Before I get jumped on, I should add that generally I disagree with Hillary Clinton's foreign policy. In particular her position on Palestine. But she appears to be the only candidate from the four major parties who has any kind of interest in engaging the world outside of America in a serious way this time around, and speaking as someone who is a citizen of the world outside of America, that's quite important to me.
ia. I'm not thrilled with her either in several areas, but at least the woman can talk like she has more than two working brain cells to rub together. Every time Trump speaks I feel like half my neurons shut down.
When it comes to the current Libertarian party, not to mention the Greens and the Trumpublicans, non-interventionism is gospel. So why should they care about a city in a pissant little war-torn country on the other side of the planet that has no money and nothing to trade?
Yes, thank you. I expect someone who seriously believes they have the chops to run for president (and de facto leader of the free world) to actually have some knowledge of international goings on. Aleppo has been front page news for weeks.
We should want to elect leaders who KNOW things that everyday citizens are not necessarily up to date or in the know about, ESPECIALLY when it comes to Politics, and the World theater.
Let's say a Math teacher is applying for a job, so he's giving a guest lecture. If he is up there scratching his head at the formula on the board, the last thing we'd want to hear someone say is "Well 1/2 the students didn't know the answer either!" For fuck's sake.
THIS IS THE DAMN JOB. It's their job. It's their ONE damn JOB.
In my opinion, this kind of ignorance is just another reason why the only candidate worth considering this time round is Hillary Clinton. You can be right-wing, left-wing, whatever, and still believe that interacting with and caring about human beings all over the planet is important. In fact, that's exactly what I expect a head-of-state to consider, since domestic concerns are better handled by the local and state representatives. Sadly the current populist trend in America appears to be isolationist navel-gazing, even at the federal level. Oh well.
Sad and true.
(And-- math teacher here and it's a brilliant analogy. I'm getting paid because I know more than they do.)
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