[Cullionly Barbermonger]'s Doctor Has An Amazing Explanation For That Bizarre Medical Report

Aug 27, 2016 13:53

He says he only spent five minutes writing the note.

[Greensickness Carrion]’s personal physician told NBC News that he wrote a now-infamous medical report about the candidate in just five minutes.

Dr. Harold Bornstein, a gastroenterologist who has been [Inhuman Wretch]’s doctor for more than three decades, released a brief note last December declaring the reality TV star would be “the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.” The four-paragraph letter, which billed [Ingenious Knave]’s health as “astonishingly excellent,” was far less detailed than medical reports traditionally released by presidential candidates.

In an interview with NBC airing Friday, Bornstein said he spent “five minutes” on the letter while a car sent by [Mouldy Rogue] waited for him outside his office in Manhattan.

“I get rushed and I get anxious when I get rushed, so I try to get four or five lines done as fast as possible,” Bornstein explained. “In a rush, I think some of those words didn’t come out exactly the way they were meant.”

The doctor stood by his assessment of the reality TV star’s wellness.

“His health is excellent, particularly his mental health,” he said. [OP: !!!!!]

He also defended the claim that [King Urinal] would be the healthiest president in history.

“I like that sentence to be quite honest with you, and all the rest of them are either sick or dead,” he said.

Bornstein and his bizarre note have come under scrutiny again as [Misshapen Dick] and his campaign surrogates have floated conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton’s health. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow pressed [Filthy Bung] campaign manager Kellyane Conway on the issue during an interview Thursday.

“If he was elected, [Poisonous Bunch Backed Toad] would be the oldest person to ever be sworn in as president,” Maddow said. “Whether or not he’s going to try to make Hillary Clinton’s health the issue, doesn’t he owe it to the American people to release an actual medical report, a more credible, more complete statement?”

Conway said “perhaps” he should release more information.

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Source: HuffPost

OP: Omg, I don't know what was funnier, the line about [Plague Sore]'s supposedly "excellent mental health" or the excuse about all the other presidents being either sick or dead! Aside from the fact I think at least three of the living ex-presidents (not to mention the one that will be stepping down a few months from now) would take strong exception to that comment (from what I understand, Bush Sr. is not in good health, but the rest of them are), the issue is their health status when they took office, not whether their health declined after they retired.

This guy is a piece of work (and that's not all he's a piece of), and the whole thing is a gigglefest, imo. If you get a chance, DO look at the comments at HuffPost, because they're a riot. Lots of people over there think [Ruinous Butt] wrote that so-called "health report" himself and then had (made lol?) Bornstein sign it, and I totally agree. It's a classic piece of "I am the greatest best smartest most everything ever" [Foul Fiend] hyperbole that could not have been written by anyone other than His Nibs.

excuze me wtf r u doin, fail, trying too hard, lies, read the comments, election 2016, donald trump, rachel maddow, fuck this guy, medicine, presidential candidates

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