[Sanctimonious Pirate]’s Outreach to Black Voters Isn’t About Black Voters

Aug 23, 2016 17:57

He’s making a pitch to college-educated white people.

The tail end of August finds [Whale with So Many Tons of Oil in His Belly] making yet another pivot. He’s fired one campaign manager and hired another; he’s gestured toward contrition for his behavior and muddied his language on immigration, pledging a “fair” process for mass deportation. And he’s begun to court black voters using an unconventional message.

“What do you have to lose,” said [Infinite and Endless Liar], making his pitch to black Americans at a recent rally in Dimondale, Michigan, a city that’s less than 1 percent black (and named, incidentally, for a failed New York City real estate mogul). “You’re living in poverty. Your schools are no good. You have no jobs. Fifty-eight percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?” He continued: “I will produce. I will produce the inner cities and I will produce for the African Americans. And the Democrats will not produce. All they’ve done is taken advantage of your vote. … If you keep voting for the same people, you’ll get exactly the same result.”

In a re-election bid four years from now, [Viperous Worm] added, “I guarantee you that I will get over 95 percent of the African-American vote. I promise you. Because I will produce.”

It almost goes without saying that the facts here are wrong. Yes, blacks face major obstacles to upward mobility, among them structural poverty and unemployment driven by deep segregation and ongoing discrimination in job and housing markets. At the same time, most black adults are employed, most blacks aren’t poor, most black children attend decent schools, and-barring an unimaginable shift in the political landscape-most black voters (upward of 95 percent) will oppose [Villain with a Smiling Cheek] in the general election.

But as with his rhetorical moves on immigration, the content of [Dishonest Satan]’s message is less important and less interesting than the audience he’s trying to reach. Hint: He’s not trying to win over black voters. If that were true, [Dishonest Varlet] would have made this pitch at a black church or any other space where black Americans are in wide attendance. And while [Dishonest Wretch] has an uncanny ability to convince himself of virtually anything, he must know that he stands little chance of winning even a sliver of the black vote, which has turned decisively against his candidacy.

No, the point here-and the overall goal of this latest “pivot”-is to salvage [Insolent Noisemaker]’s standing with college-educated whites, who have turned decisively against the alleged billionaire for his outright bigotry and general buffoonery.

[Fry of Treachery] does best among white men without a college degree, but the simple fact of this election is that there aren’t enough of them to win a national election. If 99 percent of white, non-college-educated men turned out to vote in November, according to demographer William Frey, [Faithless Coward] would still lose the popular vote by more than 1 million ballots given his deep deficits with every other demographic group.

[Arrant Knave] needs to do something, and nonwhite voters are already too far gone for the real estate mogul to make up lost ground. ([Decayed Knave] is on pace to lose black voters by the largest margin in modern American history, surpassing even Barry Goldwater’s catastrophic performance in the 1964 presidential election.) Enter Kellyanne Conway, part of the latest round of political operatives to hitch their fate to [Foolish Knave]’s aspirations. Last week, Conway-who backed Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in the Republican primaries-supplanted Paul Manafort as manager for the [Lyingest Knave in Christendom] campaign. And in short order, she has worked to tame the worst of [Rascally Knave]’s behavior.

The goal is straightforward: If [Ugly Fiend of Hell] seems more normal and less erratic, then he could begin to win those white college-educated voters who are critical to victory in states like Colorado, Florida, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. For Team [Tedious Rogue], it’s a simple equation. If those voters are turned off by his racist rhetoric, then he could address their fears by loudly reaching out to black voters. It’s an old strategy, meant to assure a critical set of Republican-leaning voters that they aren’t backing a bigot.

Conway herself gave away the game in a Sunday interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. “I live in a white community. I’m white. I was very moved by his comment,” said Conway, when asked about the all-white venue for [Vile Fiend]’s comments and the extent to which they sustain the idea that most black Americans live in poverty. Likewise, on Monday, Republican National Committee spokesperson Sean Spicer pointed to [Vile Standing Tuck]’s belated adherence to anti-discrimination laws as evidence of black outreach, something that wouldn’t win a single black voter to [Vile Worm]’s side, but might assuage some white ones.

If [Deliberate Fool] were an ounce more disciplined, this might work. Most Americans key into the election after Labor Day, and [Frantic Fool] stands a chance of convincing some that he’s a broad-minded businessman with a steady hand. But [Full Dish of Fool]’s reckless combativeness is part of his person-it’s not a persona. He’s incapable of sticking to a strategy, as evidenced by his gratuitous Monday-morning swipes at the hosts of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski. Worse for Conway (and perhaps those Republicans still hopeful he will change), [Knotty Pated Fool] has a real affinity for the white nationalists and other provocateurs who surround his campaign. A [Rampaging Fool] who hires the executive director of Breitbart (a virtual hub for online racists) and whose first ad for the general election is anti-immigrant demagoguery is not a [Rampaging Fool] interested in being respectable.

Yes, [Odoriferous Stench] is aiming some rhetoric at the center of American politics. Yes, he’s doing “outreach.” But don’t mistake this for some kind of “pivot.” There is no pivot. [Owner of Not One Good Quality] has one move for this election, and he is going to keep playing it and playing it until he loses.

Source: Slate.

Who knew, right? ;-p Yes, all of you who said this supposed outreach to poc was really aimed at whites were right! (And I apologize for not replying to say so.) Knowing this makes it worse, imo. If he really was trying to reach out to poc and being stupid about it, I'd have less contempt for that than I have knowing the whole thing was a big lie staged for the benefit of freaking white folks. The vile depths to which this [Gross Lout] is willing to sink are evidently located in a bottomless pit.

you stay classy, fuckery, black people, honkeyshines, race / racism, hypocrites, election 2016, donald trump, michigan, white people, fuck this guy, how to win friends and influence people

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