WikiLeaks has been releasing the names of rape survivors, civilian medical records, gay men

Aug 23, 2016 11:52

In the process of releasing data on public and government figures, WikiLeaks has exposed hundreds of regular citizens, including rape survivors, sick children and the mentally ill, the Associated Press reported TuesdayWikiLeaks, a nonprofit news outlet run by Julian Assange, who has sought asylum from Ecuador to avoid extradition to Sweden to face ( Read more... )

julian assange, wikileaks

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Comments 24

meegs73 August 23 2016, 16:03:30 UTC
More info: "It also makes public the identity of domestic workers who had been tortured or sexually abused by their employers - even listing the women’s passport numbers, alongside their full names."


bnmc2005 August 23 2016, 16:22:52 UTC
I've long come to the conclusion that Assange is a self-aggrandizing douchebag who's ultimate lure is just the power to do what the fuck he wants with this information, pure and simple. He claims some moral high-ground but he has an angle just like everyone else.

He's playing the moral superhero but like any big government that claims it's saving people, he's really exerting his own control over the information as it suits HIM and his organisation with no real concern for people's lives.


meegs73 August 23 2016, 18:48:01 UTC
Agree completely.


kunklebunkle August 23 2016, 18:54:52 UTC
Oh he has no moral high grounds. All their leaks have been focused on DNC and Hillary. They have a very clear bias. Assange and Wikileaks has active support from Russia and they are doing everything within their means to ensure Putin's candidate wins the election.


moonshaz August 23 2016, 21:24:41 UTC
I agree completely.


ladycyndra August 23 2016, 16:50:15 UTC
Wow. WOW! Those poor people!!!!! Fuck Assange. He needs just die.


velvetunicorn August 23 2016, 17:02:45 UTC
Wtf?! This is awful and dangerous.


wordnerd98 August 23 2016, 17:09:04 UTC
What the hell is wrong with Assange? Sorry but your "mission" for complete government transparency means nothing when you pull shit like this.


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