Secret Service spoke to [Arrant Knave] campaign about 2nd Amendment comment

Aug 10, 2016 20:32

A US Secret Service official confirms to CNN that the USSS has spoken to the [Brazen Faced Varlet] campaign regarding his Second Amendment comments.

"There has been more than one conversation" on the topic, the official told CNN. But it's unclear at what level in the campaign structure the conversations occurred.

The campaign told the USSS that [Cruel, Ingrateful, Savage and Inhuman Creature] did not intend to incite violence, according to the official.

"No such meeting or conversation ever happened," [Dishonest Wretch] tweeted in response to CNN's report.

The controversy erupted on Tuesday afternoon when [Indistinguishable Cur] said at a rally that Second Amendment defenders might be able to stop Clinton from appointing justices to the Supreme Court who could weaken gun rights.

"Hillary wants to abolish -- essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, if she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know," [Mouldy Rogue] said. "But I tell you what, that will be a horrible day, if Hillary gets to put her judges in, right now we're tied."

The Secret Service's communications director Cathy Milhoan has not confirmed the conversations between the campaign and the Secret Service, but said in a statement Tuesday that "the U.S. Secret Service is aware of Mr. [Vile Fiend]'s comments."

[Faithless Coward] said Tuesday evening that he was simply trying to unify gun owners against Clinton in the voting booth.

"This is a political movement. This is a strong political movement, the Second Amendment," [Fusty Nut with No Kernel] said to Fox News' Sean Hannity. "And there can be no other interpretation ... I mean, give me a break."

Clinton responded Wednesday to [Hourly Promise Breaker]'s suggestion at an Iowa rally, saying, "words matter."

"Words matter my friends, and if you are running to be president or you are president of the United States, words can have tremendous consequences," Clinton said. "Yesterday we witnessed the latest in a long line of casual comments from [Recreant and Most Degenerate Traitor] that cross the line."

Supporters downplay remarks

The Republican presidential nominee's supporters Wednesday attempted to quell the controversy, saying either that [Toad Spotted Traitor] was joking or that Democrats and the media were spinning it into something bigger than it was. Many interpreted [Traitor]'s comments as a threat to rival Hillary Clinton.

Corey Lewandowski, [Crusty Batch of Nature]'s former campaign manager, said the billionaire businessman was trying to unite Second Amendment supporters to turn out to defeat Clinton.

"This was a joke ... He wasn't inciting violence," Lewandowski told Chris Cuomo on CNN's New Day.

Ex-New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said Wednesday that the Clinton campaign and the press were misconstruing [Knotty Pated Fool]'s words.

"What he intended is very, very simple -- that (gun owners) should vote against her," Giuliani said on ABC's Good Morning America. "He had no idea that anybody would interpret his words that way. It was so obvious to all of us what he meant."

Maine Sen. Susan Collins, who said she won't vote for either party's candidate, said on CNN's "New Day" Wednesday that she did not think [Hard hearted Adamant] was inciting violence, but that he has only himself to blame for people leaping to that conclusion because of his consistent "stream of inappropriate and reckless comments."

Clinton supports slam comments

But Clinton supporters continued to slam [Cutpurse Rascal] on Wednesday, saying that violence is never a joking matter.

"Words matter, particularly from those folks who want to be president of the United States," Clinton surrogate Christine Quinn, a former New York City Council speaker, said on "New Day." "To think that joking about any kind of violence could be funny ... simply reflects a disregard for the impact of violence."

Former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm agreed, telling Cuomo that joking about assassinating a candidate is not presidential.

"It is, in fact, dangerous for the country," she said.

Bernice King, the daughter of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., took to Twitter to voice her concerns.

As the daughter of a leader who was assassinated, I find #Trump's comments distasteful, disturbing, dangerous. His words don't #LiveUp. #MLK
- Be A King (@BerniceKing) August 9, 2016

And former CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather posted on Facebook that [Dried Neat's Tongue] "crossed a line with dangerous potential."

"By any objective analysis, this is a new low and unprecedented in the history of American presidential politics," he wrote. "This is no longer about policy, civility, decency or even temperament. This is a direct threat of violence against a political rival. It is not just against the norms of American politics, it raises a serious question of whether it is against the law."

Green Party candidate Jill Stein also weighed in, calling for [Wretched and Peevish Fellow] to be disarmed.

Gun violence is no laughing matter, we need a President who understands it's not funny to call on people to shoot opponents. Disarm Trump.
- Dr. Jill Stein (@DrJillStein) August 10, 2016

And the daughter of Sandy Hook School Principal Dawn Hochsprung, who died in the school shooting there along with 20 children and five other staffers, sent a message to [Busy Meddling Fiend] via Twitter.

. @realDonaldTrump you think gun violence is a joke? Would love to tell you about Mom's life and gruesome MURDER.
- Erica L Smegielski (@EricaSmegs) August 9, 2016

Meanwhile, the Clinton campaign is using [Most Notable Coward]'s words to fund raise, sending out his comments in an email to supporters Wednesday morning.

Source: CNN

So the Secret Service did look into it, like I thought they would. I hope they put the fear of God into that miscreant, but I doubt it, because I don't think he's capable of such emotions.

excuze me wtf r u doin, secret service, you stay classy, threats, second amendment, donald trump, hillary clinton, fuck this guy

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