The moral case for Hillary Clinton

Aug 07, 2016 16:01

The moral case for Hillary Clinton: Even if you might dislike her, this isn’t the year to back a third-party candidate
Voters planning to support Jill Stein or Gary Johnson should take a moment to examine the potential consequences “What would it take for you to vote for a third-party candidate ( Read more... )

libertarian party, bernie sanders, opinion piece, voting, election 2016, green party, donald trump, hillary clinton, presidential candidates

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odetoparamore August 8 2016, 13:17:28 UTC
I gotta wonder why op is hell-bent on trying to make a case to vote for Hillary when I'm 1000% sure everyone in this comm has already made up their mind about her. No matter how you present it, be it ~humanizing her, repeating her very early work, or anti-Trump, she's still a candidate with a negative approval rating within the last 10 days, AFTER the DNC. People are gonna vote how they want to vote.


blackjedii August 8 2016, 13:45:10 UTC
Ehh OP can have points for trying and I think it's a response to the "there are no reasons to vote for Clinton" kind of articles. But this is a small comm in a small dying blogging site so idk existential crisis goin on in here maaaaannnnn


moonshaz August 8 2016, 19:39:49 UTC
it's a response to the "there are no reasons to vote for Clinton" kind of articles

Sort of. But it's more a response to people IN THIS COMM complaining that no one ever gives them reasons to vote FOR Clinton, just reasons NOT to vote for Trump.

And even though this is "a small comm in a small dying blogging site," it's the only place where I come to talk about politics. (Although I have started tweeting a lot more, but so far I feel like I'm firing things off into oblivion, rather than initiating a conversation.)


blackjedii August 8 2016, 19:44:59 UTC
oh broski stay far far away from Twitter. It is a hive of scum and villainy that is sinking financially and trying to keep their more extreme / vocal ppl to ballast itself.

Which is kind of a shame bc I can see the value of Twitter in emergencies and fast response situations but it's basically turned into a circlejerk of internet celebrity'ism :|


ladycyndra August 8 2016, 20:29:06 UTC
I hardly tweet anymore.


lightframes August 8 2016, 22:14:37 UTC
I only talk about video games and K-pop on Twitter, really


richeiieu August 11 2016, 07:35:19 UTC
There are better places! As much as ONTDers hate to admit it, ONTD and its subcomms are basically just Reddit for women.


moonshaz August 13 2016, 19:30:01 UTC
Can you give me some suggestions? This comm has been my political home for years, and I don't even know where to start looking for something better. TIA!


richeiieu August 30 2016, 20:15:25 UTC
Sorry, this is like, a million years late but I tend to like /r/politicaldiscussion on Reddit. That's the one public group I can disclose without violating private group rules.

Another (apparently; I don't browse it often) good one is /r/neutralpolitics.

There are others but they're private (you can probably guess why) so I can't disclose them and I don't have invite power. :/


moonshaz September 1 2016, 19:57:34 UTC
Thanks! I don't usually go to reddit, but I'll check these out.

I was really sorry to see you get banned on ontd_p, btw. I've always enjoyed your posts.


emofordino August 8 2016, 20:58:38 UTC
i don't disagree, tbh (though i wouldn't necessarily single out the OP because there are quite a few contributors here who are very enthusiastic about hillary's candidacy)

honestly, from what i've witnessed, i'd say 90% of the hillary-critical people in this comm who are voting americans are still going to vote for HRC anyway (and afaik the majority of people who are choosing 3rd party candidates are in solid blue or red states where it won't really make a difference one way or the other) so what does it matter how much we like hillary as long as we're voting for her? especially since, as you've pointed out, no one is changing anyone's mind at this point, so not like even the hillary-critical people are going to be talking hillary-supporters out of voting for her.

(edited for clarity)


lightframes August 8 2016, 22:16:11 UTC
I like reading other people's viewpoints. There are a lot of people voting for HRC for a lot of different reasons, so for me it's interesting to see why people are planning to vote for her.

Same with some of the third party articles I'm seeing for why some people want to vote for Stein or Johnson.


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