Penn State Unlikely to be Reimbursed for Ignoring Abuse Since Literally Before OP Was Born

Jul 12, 2016 13:30

Insurance expert: Penn State had six chances to tell us about Sandusky problems

An expert asked by Penn State's liability insurance provider to assess when key university officials should have had known about child sex-assault allegations involving Jerry Sandusky has identified six different cases dating to 1976.

Risk management expert Raymond Williams said those cases involved three incidents that were reportedly witnessed by other assistant coaches on the Penn State staff at the time, and three others that were reported to university officials.

It is worth noting that only two of the cases, to date, have been tested in court and resulted in criminal convictions against Sandusky, though all six did result in settlement payments by the university.

The eyewitness cases at the time involved the 2001 incident witnessed by then-graduate assistant Michael McQueary.

But they also covered:
-Improper sexual contact between Sandusky and a minor in 1987 that was witnessed by then-assistant coach Joe Sarra. Sarra died in July 2012.
-Improper sexual contact between Sandusky and a child in 1988 that was witnessed by then-assistant coach Kevin O'Dea. O'Dea last coached as the special team coach for the NFL's Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Williams also identified three cases where significant reports were made, including:

-A 1976 incident where an alleged victim made a report to then-head football coach Joe Paterno.
-A report by an alleged victim that was referred to then-Penn State Athletic Director Jim Tarman in 1988.
-The 1998 report that the mother of a boy filed with Penn State's university police department, was investigated, and later dropped with no charges filed by the Centre County district attorney's office. Like the 2001 incident, Sandusky's criminal case had previously established that this incident was known to several of Penn State's highest-ranking administrators.

Williams was not immediately available for comment Tuesday morning.

But in his report, he said he was making his assessment based on reports provided about Penn State's history of annual policy renewals with Pennsylvania Manufacturers Association Insurance Co., as well as documents provided to him about the settlements that Penn State had paid.

Williams' report, embedded within a series of documents that were unsealed in the insurance coverage case by Philadelphia Judge Gary Glazer Tuesday.

In itself, it does not contain any additional detail about the four cases that were newly-detailed Tuesday.

PMA has claimed, in its battle to deny reimbursement of millions of dollars in Sandusky settlement payments, that Penn State had a duty to inform it of incidents that could result in liability exposure, both to give notice of the potential for claims and to work together to take corrective actions for the future.

"Penn State should have notified PMA of the incidents involving Sandusky on a timely basis. Penn State did not do that," Williams said, adding the incidents also were never reported internally to the university's risk management office.

Source at PennLive. Don't read the comments.

Other recent articles detail exactly how Paterno ignored in-person reports by victims, literally walking away from them. I elected to pick the article that didn't contain any details on any of the assaults.

college/university, money, *trigger warning: sexual assault, crime, child abuse / csa, pennsylvania

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