Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Talks of Possible Endorsement Next Week

Jul 06, 2016 18:00

The Sanders and Clinton campaigns are in talks about a possible event where Sanders would endorse the former Secretary of State, ABC News has confirmed according to sources close to the Sanders campaign.

Sanders’ endorsement of Clinton could come sometime next week, possibly at an event in New Hampshire.

While the Vermont senator has said he would vote for Clinton in November, he has withheld his endorsement of the presumptive Democratic nominee as the two campaign engage in ongoing negotiations over policy details for the Democratic Party’s official platform.

An event next week would directly follow the Democratic Party’s Platform Drafting Committee final votes over the weekend on their version of the policy document to be presented at the national convention.

Sanders so far has enjoyed significant victories both within this committee as well as with Clinton’s own campaign proposals. The senator has applauded the platform so far as being “the most progressive” in recent history of the party and has specifically celebrated the fact that it includes language on enacting strict reform of Wall Street, expanding Social Security and ideas for overturning Citizen’s United and rejecting super PAC money.

Just this morning, Clinton released an updated version of her plan addressing college affordability, which her staff said was the result of meeting and discussing the issue Sanders last month.

Sanders said the new plan, which includes making public college tuition free, over time, for students from middle income families was “the work of both campaigns.”

He added during his morning press conference in Washington, D.C. that he hoped his campaign and Clinton’s would reach more agreements on other issues “sooner rather than later.”

Sanders has said in interviews that he is also hoping she will amend and expand her proposals on providing universal healthcare.

The news of a possible endorsement next week also comes of the heels of the senator facing a reportedly lukewarm reception by House Democrats this morning, some of whom pressed him outright about when he would endorse Clinton.

Sanders supporters and people close to the campaign have said quietly that if the progressive superstar officially endorses Clinton too early, it could frustrate or dishearten some of his fans from the left who are still uneasy about backing Clinton.

Source: ABC News

OP note: A number of sources on Twitter are saying that it may happen on Tuesday (12th).

Sources tell @FoxNews that Bernie Sanders is in talks to endorse Hillary Clinton as early as Tues in NH.
- Jennifer Griffin (@JenGriffinFNC) July 6, 2016

. @HillaryClinton @BernieSanders camps talking about possible Sanders endorsement as soon as Tuesday in NH if no more hitches
- Andrea Mitchell (@mitchellreports) July 6, 2016

democratic party, bernie sanders, money, student loans, health care, election 2016, hillary clinton, democrats

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