Jessica Williams of 'The Daily Show' Schools Bernie Or Bust Supporters Boarding the Trump Train

Jul 03, 2016 21:49

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While Bernie Sanders has yet to concede, he's already admitted that, between votes and superdelegates, it's unlikely he'll be the 2016 Democratic nominee. But will Sanders supporters fall in line, or break away from the party?

To hear Jessica Williams tell it, “The Democratic Party has united without controversy. J.K., y’all. I’m f*cking with you!”

According to an election poll released by Bloomberg last week, "nearly half of Sanders supporters won’t support Clinton [in November]... Instead, 22 percent say they’ll vote for Trump."

So, in her last "Daily Show" episode, before leaving for her new show, correspondent Jessica Williams investigated the world of the “Donald Trump supporters who may surprise you,” as host Trevor Noah puts it.

“He has diarrhea of the mouth, but a lot of the things that he says are things that a lot of people may think,” one Bernie-turned-Trump supporter defended.

“You mean, like, racist things?” Williams shot back.

“Racist things, I would say, yeah,” the supporter agreed.

“He is a bigot and a racist, however…” one supporter began, only to be abruptly dismissed.

“You don’t have to continue with ‘however,’” Williams told her. “Where you gonna go with that?”

“Hillary has been a scam artist all her life and I hope the FBI comes and indicts her,” the supporter continued.

Williams began to sense this wasn't so much about Trump and Sanders, who, even the group agreed, "are literally opposite people," with little in common, aside from questionable hairstyles and wanting to be president. This was about Hillary Clinton being viewed as a "stack of garbage," which Williams thought deserved some analogous retorts in response.

“Last weekend I wanted to go to this new restaurant, and my friends wanted to go this old restaurant, and I got outvoted. So instead of eating with them at this old restaurant, I went into an alley and sat down and ate a pile of dog sh*t,” Williams compared, which unfortunately backfired.

“At least I know it’s doo-doo,” responded the supporter who had, coincidentally, called out Trump’s "diarrhea of the mouth" earlier in the segment. Williams tried one final time.

“Ya’ll would rather have a 100 percent turd than a maybe-secret turd?” she asked the panel. “Yes,” they answered.

The conclusion? “Maybe Bernie supporters should just listen to the guy that they’re supporting,” Williams said, flashing to an MSNBC clip of Sanders last week saying "Yes," when asked if he'd vote for Clinton in the general election.


bernie sanders side-eyes this, election 2016, donald trump, facepalm, hillary clinton, batshit, bernie sanders

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