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liliaeth July 2 2016, 10:17:50 UTC
Wanna bet that if any of this actually happens, that it has more to do with Warren than with Sanders; Because Warren actually is intelligent and able to work with people, whereas Sanders very much isn't.


backincharge July 2 2016, 10:28:03 UTC
I feel like all of this is to make Warren as VP look more natural for Hillary if she runs on a similar platform that Warren runs on. It would be so awkward for Hillary to reject these proposals and then go for Warren as VP.


liliaeth July 2 2016, 10:34:14 UTC
But see, there's the thing, right now, Warren has a lot of potential influence on Hillary. I'm pretty sure that she was able to make a few demands, even just to get her to endorse and support her at public events. The fact that a lot of people are eying her as a potential VP is just a bonus to that.

If it was just Sanders, Hillary could easily ignore him, because well... she's already way ahead of Trump in the polls, even without Sanders' endorsement. At this point, he's more of a hinder than an asset.


tabaqui July 2 2016, 13:58:30 UTC


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koushiba July 2 2016, 17:00:37 UTC
Ugh mte. I know I shouldn't except much from people who blindly hate him and don't want to even admit that he's done an iota of good for America but i'm getting tired of this.


liliaeth July 2 2016, 20:05:55 UTC
I don't blindly hate him. I started out liking him.

I just got tired of his arrogance and entitlement, that and the whining that started up whenever he didn't win a primary.

It's his own attitude all through the primaries that made me lose any desire to see him win.


koushiba July 2 2016, 16:58:04 UTC
Wow. I wonder how he made it so far in Congress as an Independent if he couldn't work with people very well!


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