hop on the donnercoaster the ride never ends

Jun 30, 2016 20:47

Trump campaign may have broken law by seeking foreign political donationsWatchdog groups will lodge a complaint alleging his campaign violated federal rules by soliciting money from politicians in Scotland, Australia and Iceland ( Read more... )

donations, money, donald trump

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tabaqui July 1 2016, 03:29:25 UTC
How can it be a 'may have'? It's illegal for US politicians to get money from foreign nationals, period. He's sending begging letters all over the planet, apparently. How do they even pretend that's not so fucking wrong?


rhysande July 1 2016, 04:08:40 UTC
It's illegal to solicit money from foreign nationals in and of itself. If Trump's campaign has accepted money from a foreign national, there should be additional charges.


tabaqui July 1 2016, 04:15:15 UTC
Exactly. I hate this kid-glove treatment.


hudebnik July 1 2016, 10:34:55 UTC
Well, as a governmental agency I don't think they can officially say "he broke the law" until he's been charged, tried, and convicted. None of which has happened yet.


rhysande July 1 2016, 13:09:07 UTC
I'll be surprised if either Trump or his son (since it's Jr's signature at the bottom of the solicitation letters) get charged. I expect a warning/slap on the wrist. This might be used by establishment Republicans to either chain Trump or force him out of the nomination at the convention, however.


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