Elizabeth Warren is the surrogate he was supposed to be. His supporters have become Clinton’s. How Sanders overplayed his hand.On Monday, Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren campaigned together in Cincinnati. Their message was clear: Donald Trump is a “thin-skinned bully who is driven by greed and hate,” as Warren put it, and the Democratic Party
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Given that the DNC won't give him the time of day unless he promised access to his email list (which I guarantee most of his followers would HATE like srsly I am never signing another change.org petition again)
Given that the moderates and the neolibs in the DNC flat out refuse to hear about his policies
Given that everyone is ready to move to the general and CLINTON VERSUS THE DONALD NEWS AT 11
Given that superdelegates are still a thing
how exactly was Sanders supposed to leverage his platform? Ask nicely?
No, we can't trust the DNC. We have to either make something new or join the Green Party.
But I guess everyone is giving them one more chance in July to prove they care about us at all.
Socialist and super-Progressive policies, no matter how mild, are an anathema to the Neoliberal "free market will fix everything just as long as we give it a chance!!" which BOTH the Democratic elite and Republicans embrace wholeheartedly.
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