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soleiltropiques June 21 2016, 23:11:37 UTC
As someone who was involved in the student protests in Quebec, Canada in 2012, I completely agree.

While we didn't have any deaths, I saw enough back then to see that there are strikingly similar patterns with regards to the reactions of the police and authorities to peaceful protests in different places around the world.

What is the case now in Quebec is that municipal regulations were put in place across the province such that the police can effectively decide to suppress demonstrations whenever they feel like it.

Also, in Victoriaville (Quebec) the police also blocked ambulances. Here is a link to the testimony of one young man who almost died there at the hands of the Quebec police (and who did lose an eye) (in French): http://www.ledevoir.com/politique/quebec/377367/il-y-a-un-an-l-emeute-de-victoriaville

(Comment not edited, my bad...)


colorfilm June 21 2016, 04:46:39 UTC
commenting in my own post to add (the death toll has risen :( )

Mexican police violence kills 12 in #Oaxaca, #Mexico. #Nochixtlán #OaxacaSinViolencia pic.twitter.com/Op04beWfi1
- ѕyndιcalιѕт (@syndicalisms) 21 de junio de 2016

and more tweets:

I haven't seen operations against cartels that were this large in scale and ferocity. But against teachers? Yup. pic.twitter.com/ovLKM4FNhw
- Dirty Thirty Tony (@MexicAnarchist) 21 de junio de 2016

Enrique Peña Nieto;: Manifiesto de la comunidad artística de Oaxaca contra la represión - Firma... https://t.co/Pj7Ao7bHz5 via @ChangeItalia
- Gael Garcia Bernal (@GaelGarciaB) 20 de junio de 2016


eldvno June 21 2016, 05:35:01 UTC
This is so depressing, no reports indicate (that I've read) suggest that the violence started with the protestors, which points to the already corrupt police being the ones who instigated the violence.

It's so upsetting to see dissent and protests being quashed by more and more violent means worldwide. I don't know if social media has just made it more obvious, or if this is actually becoming a bigger issue.


colorfilm June 21 2016, 06:34:34 UTC
i don't know about obvious, but i think social media has helped show a lot of the things the general media refuses to show, if that makes sense.

tons of things that are happening in latin américa are not reported in most media outlets, or are reported in a shit way, so i'm thankful for people on social medias like twitter who are there and keep us updated.


soleiltropiques June 21 2016, 23:14:56 UTC
Yeah, I lost ANY faith in the mainstream media in 2012 when they REFUSED in most cases to report on what the police had done here in Quebec, Canada.

I'm not saying that one situation is equal to the other, or trying to minimize what the Mexican protesters are going through. I'm just saying that I understand (a bit, anyways), as I've seen what lengths so-called 'democratic' governments will go to to preserve the status quo.

My heart goes out these brave people.


ioplokon June 21 2016, 09:15:19 UTC
My friend was just telling me about this; it's so awful. Thank you so much for posting, as you say, it is difficult to find good information on this, especially in english.


kytefan June 21 2016, 20:39:58 UTC
Have children been casualties? I saw a heartbreaking picture which I can't get out of my head and not sure if it's for this.

It's infuriating and after speaking to the hubby who's in Mexico right now, he was saying they are portraying it as the police being victims...or at least that's how I understood what he was telling me. I have gathered all my information from the internet..not the ees and again infuriating.


colorfilm June 21 2016, 20:53:14 UTC
not that i know of, i hope not :(

and yeah, it's infuriating, but not surprising though, in the english-language articles i read, they're trying to paint the teachers as belligerent and...nope. this is why i'm thankful for twitter/social media, the federal police is corrupt and shot at them, not the other way around


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