Senate Approves Women Registering for Draft Act

Jun 15, 2016 14:47

Washington (CNN) - Women may soon be required to register for the military draft.

The Senate overwhelmingly passed a $602 billion defense bill Tuesday that included an amendment that would require women to register for the draft -- also known as the selective service -- for the first time in history.

The National Defense Authorization Act passed ( Read more... )

draft, congress, military, john mccain, ted cruz, women

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dumpweeds June 15 2016, 19:52:22 UTC
"The idea that we should forcibly conscript young girls into combat to my mind makes little or no sense,

this patronizing motherfucker. what about the young BOYS? how come 18 year old boys are considered men but women are considered girls?

I'm anti-draft, btw, and think it needs to be gotten rid of entirely


eveofrevolution June 15 2016, 19:58:33 UTC
kukamine June 15 2016, 21:51:55 UTC


lightframes June 16 2016, 02:47:05 UTC
MTE. We don't need the draft.


koushiba June 16 2016, 04:05:14 UTC
I agree.


fluteaphrael June 21 2016, 02:18:56 UTC
I remember when the new selective service registration started, and I was pissed that it did not include women from the get go. I get that at the time they did not permit women in strictly combat facing roles, but dammit, if you're actually drafting people you need support people as well.

Personally I think the draft list is a crock and should be abolished and should never have been voted in in the first place. But dammit a couple of generations of men are right on this one. If we were going to do it we should have done it across the board. And it is right to include women now. If we can't get rid of the thing, you can't say that women can perform combat roles but you can't draft them, but you can men. We can't have it both ways.

Heck our allies who have service requirements enforce them on women as well as men. So seriously no excuse.


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