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stream of consciousness here maynardsong May 28 2016, 22:03:50 UTC
If the 16 y.o. was with the 19 y.o. for three years, that means he went for her when she was 13 and he was 16. That's a HUGE age gap for teenagers, even if 3 years is nothing for adults.
I'm Indian, so I'm all too aware of how disgusting men are to women, and how pervasive violence against women is. Men are awful. And these men were able to say straight up that yeah, her body was "wrecked". For this reason, I don't buy it for a goddam second that young men just honest to God don't understand consent. Oh yes they fucking do. They just don't CARE. So what that the girl doesn't actively want to? But they understand perfectly well that the female partner doesn't want to.
In the wake of the Delhi gang rape on the bus, I heard a lot of white ladies knock India off their bucket list and write off India as backwards. Are white ladies going to knock Brazil off their bucket list and write it off as backwards? I don't know, but it's something I want to know and don't want to know.


Re: stream of consciousness here tabaqui May 28 2016, 22:52:50 UTC
That is. And you're right, there's absolutely no fucking way that these guys 'didn't understand consent'. In fact, I'd comfortably bet a large amount of money that 99% of men on the *planet* understand consent, they just don't give a fuck. Because they don't have to, because they can get away with it.

I think it's smart to know if your destination is safe or not - there are places in the US i would warn tourists away from. But saying India or Brazil is 'backward' because of this....?

People (in the US) need to read up on our *own* rape and sexual assault statistics. Because we're not coming up daisies.


Re: stream of consciousness here mimblexwimble May 28 2016, 23:36:33 UTC
In the wake of the Delhi gang rape on the bus, I heard a lot of white ladies knock India off their bucket list and write off India as backwards. Are white ladies going to knock Brazil off their bucket list and write it off as backwards? I don't know, but it's something I want to know and don't want to know.

Someone tried it with me the other day, suggesting that there was something about "those countries" that made these attacks more common. I asked her if she'd heard that there was similar incident in Florida a few days ago, and she had no idea what I was talking about (we live in Massachusetts).

Western media purposefully underplays attacks that occur in the West, and hyperfocuses on attacks that occur in non-Western countries, and then uses those attacks not to suggest that society as a whole as a huge rape problem, but that there is something wrong in particular with non-Western countries that makes these attacks happen...


Re: stream of consciousness here thedabara_cds May 29 2016, 03:06:22 UTC
I made the mistake of reading both that article about the incident in Florida and worse yet the comments on it. Those comments, blaming everyone/thing from sex education in schools to transgender people allowed in bathrooms to "the liberal agenda" to "they must all have been black" to teachers making too much money - it literally makes me want to vomit. Jesus Christ almighty. I weep for all humanity and despair for my species; maybe it would be better if the entire human race become extinct if after all these centuries of evolution there are this many people with this kind of mindset.

And frankly, I'm surprised more Brazilian women don't become serial killers in retaliation for this horrific crap. God knows the police aren't going to do much of anything.


(The comment has been removed)

Re: stream of consciousness here tabaqui May 29 2016, 14:50:32 UTC
It is technically, but i think in the eyes of the US media, at least, it's 'other' enough to not actually qualify. (And lets not discount the idiocy of the American people - a kid at work was telling me he considered India a 'third world country' because so many of its citizens were poor. Where do i even begin?)


Re: stream of consciousness here mimblexwimble May 30 2016, 03:36:33 UTC
Oh, true! I meant the West in terms of ~*Western civilization*~, not geography.


Re: stream of consciousness here nesmith May 29 2016, 02:10:37 UTC
When you have people who are raised and conditioned to believe that women are objects or property and should be available to them without question, this is the kind of shit you get. We've come a long way in some senses but still have a hell of a long way to go.


Re: stream of consciousness here ladypolitik May 29 2016, 22:56:15 UTC
What I dont get is -- if some men are actually claiming that they earnestly dont understand consent, why should anyone trust them with anything else (holding office; holding down a job; having a driver's, gun, or fishing licence; the ability to legally purchase alcohol; operate heavy equipment; thinking in general)?

Should we just designate men idiot wards of the state, hand everything over to women, and call it a day? Do they realize the gravity of copping to "not understanding consent"?


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