May 23, 2016 09:47

As some of you have noticed, Hillary/Bernie posts are being rejected at this time. After the utter shitstorm from the other day, quite honestly the mods need a break from the constant war between Bernie and Hillary supporters. Even posts unrelated to the candidates are devolving into stupid arguments because someone brings up Hillary or Bernie (or their supporters), and it turns into a wankfest.

So, the following will happen:

+ Moratorium for one week on all Hillary/Bernie posts (barring huge news like if Hillary is indicted or if Bernie drops out, neither of which I foresee happening during this moratorium). If one slips through the cracks, it will be deleted.

+ After the moratorium is lifted, only real news re: the candidates will be accepted. We've had far too many opinion pieces posted, even after the last mod post, because we've tried hard to not censor people. Unfortunately, most of these opinion pieces are written with deliberate bias and, in some cases, inflammatory wording. We've had far too many of those, and at this point, I don't think anyone in the community is going to change their minds about who they support/whether or not they will vote Democrat in the fall.

+ Any post submitted with an OP note written to start wank or to tie in with Hillary/Bernie or their supporters will be rejected as well.

+ Also, we've seen far too many comments picking fights for no reason, bringing up past posts/comments to continue wank in other posts, and in general being passive aggressive towards certain users/groups in the community. Cut it out, because you're part of the problem. There is a rule against trolling in the community, and this type of shit-stirring behavior may read to a mod as trolling, so we recommend against it.

It's important to note that we don't like censorship, but for the health of the community the mods have agreed to put these things forth. I hope that when the moratorium on posts about the candidates is lifted, we all will have calmed down enough to be able to once again have reasonable discussions.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to message me directly.

Finally, apologies for no shenanigans this week. I'll try to make a fun post sometime this week that will hopefully be a bit of a palate cleanser, which can also serve as shenanigans.

!mod post

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