New grandparent visitation bill passes in Alabama Legislature

May 05, 2016 19:29

The Alabama Legislature on Wednesday passed a new bill that would give some grandparents the right to see their grandchildren, about five years after a similar law was deemed unconstitutional.This year's legislation, sponsored by Rep. Mike Jones, R-Andalusia, repeals the Alabama Grandparents Visitation Act, which was enacted in 2010 ( Read more... )

alabama, child abuse / csa, parents, children, law

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omimouse May 7 2016, 19:36:25 UTC
More funding to CPS?

Uhmmm, no. Especially not in the South. I'm a poly parent, and trust me, we have horror stories. And yeah, chances are you can eventually appeal your way up the court system until you get a judge that says, 'this is unconstitutional', but chances are you don't have the money for that, and the ACLU cannot even begin to take every case like this.

That's not even going into the massive shitstorm that was KY's CPS/DCS system. There was money involved in each successful adoption, so OF FUCKING COURSE the response was to take kids away from their parents and adopt them out to waiting parents. As in, friends/family of CPS/DCS folks would bring info on kids they wanted so removal proceedings could begin.

As in, when families started fighting back, the lawyer's kids got taken away.

That was about a decade ago, but I somehow doubt that the underlying problems have gone away. And yeah, my family's fight with TN CPS/DCS is likely biasing my opinion, but the judge, literally told our daughters, in chambers, so it wasn't officially documented, that as long as myself and my husband were in the house, they wouldn't be. And that they needed to go to church more often. This isn't even going into some of the bullshit morality clauses you can get, where you can lose your kids because a non-child spent the night.

Like I said, I have Feelings on this subject.


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