Ted Cruz drops out of the republican Presidential race

May 03, 2016 20:59

INDIANAPOLIS - Ted Cruz, the insurgent Texan whose presidential campaign was fueled by disdain for Washington, dropped out of the 2016 race Tuesday night, removing the last major hurdle in Donald Trump’s quest to become to become the Republican nominee for president ( Read more... )

shit just got real, ted cruz, primaries, republican party

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amyura May 4 2016, 02:23:27 UTC
You have the best user name ever!


sweetmizre May 4 2016, 01:07:00 UTC
lmao, that would've been a good title!

I maybe just submitted mine first :(


rainbows_ May 4 2016, 01:08:45 UTC
lol omg!


eveofrevolution May 4 2016, 01:14:41 UTC
sweetmizre May 4 2016, 01:05:58 UTC
Here's to hoping God tells him to get his supporters to write his name on the ballot :)

I'm dying to know if he'll come out and say he's voting for Trump after all of the shit Trump tossed at his family.


muzicnem May 4 2016, 01:07:00 UTC


roseembolism May 4 2016, 05:31:28 UTC
I would have gone with "Ted Cruz Slithers Back Under his Rock", or "Surprise! Ted Cruz Wasn't LittleFinger After All!" or "Ted Cruz banished From Whence He Came", or even "GO AWAY CRUZ! NOBODY LIKES YOU!"

But your title is pretty damn good.


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