Bill O’Reilly Pounds Colbert’s Table in Anger Over Failed Republican Leadership

May 03, 2016 13:17

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Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly made his second appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Monday night, after the two “feuded” for years under Colbert’s previous TV gig at Comedy Central. In the new era of Colbert comedy however, O’Reilly seems to have a friendly environment, as the two discussed the election and largely saw eye-to-eye on a number of policy-related topics.

As the conversation turned towards general conservatism in the face of a shifting American populace that leans progressive, O’Reilly noted, “Traditional conservative Americans believe that your crew - the Colbert crew - is winning the culture war, is winning the political correctness war, and the culture is changing and they don’t like it.” Predictably, the audience at The Ed Sullivan Theater began cheering.

“[Conservatism] is always a losing battle because the culture always changes,” said Colbert.

But the hot-button topic that made O’Reilly grow red hot is a frequently mentioned one on The O’Reilly Factor, and is an issue that fans of the Fox News host knows he keeps close to his heart: the so-called “Kate’s Law,” named after Kathryn Steinle who was killed by a convicted felon undocumented worker in 2014 in San Francisco on July 1, 2015. The law calls for mandatory federal prison minimums for illegal reentry, and as O’Reilly noted again Monday night, the problem isn’t with the Democrats.

“The Republican leadership wouldn’t get behind it!” O’Reilly exclaimed. “The anti-illegal immigrant stuff is B.S.” he continued. “Mitch McConnell does nothing. Republican leadership does nothing. They wanted to attach it to a sanctuary city bill that they knew President Obama would veto.”

O’Reilly frustration heightened until he began pounding on Colbert’s desk in anger. “It’s a new table,” Colbert offered sheepishly.

“President Obama would sign Kate’s Law, I believe,” O’Reilly concluded. Watch the above exchange from CBS’ The Late Show.

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bill oreilly is a terrible human being, immigration, ted cruz, republican party

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