Elizabeth Warren Is Everyone’s Political Girlfriend Who Lives in Canada

May 03, 2016 12:14

The Democratic primary season has exposed a lot of the sexism on the left side of the political spectrum, a side that normally escapes heavy scrutiny because when compared to the right…

Holy God and all His Juggalos.... )

elizabeth warren, sexism, hillary clinton, bernie sanders, misogyny, women

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melancolour May 4 2016, 05:24:22 UTC
I find narrative building a subject of interest in a lot of ways, especially in regards to data reality-- which, to me, shows how narrative is ultimately something that often trumps data. (that's why 538 is such a good site btw.)

Despite the online chatter, the data around this election actually shows a HUGE show of support for HRC, and that as much as those who would prefer bernie be the nominee state, MANY people, literally millions, are inspired and invigorated by her & this democratic run.

as much as we're talking about divided parties, when asked "has this primary excited you / divided the party", it's the republicans who are divided, the democrats who are excited. the party is moving visibly left, and they're doing it partly because of the vacuum left by the republicans, partly because of obama, and partly because there are people there inspiring by HRC herself.

this is an election where many people are being activated.... let's keep it that way, because this race is longer than just november... this is every election, every year. let's get people in ready and go.


tabaqui May 4 2016, 05:30:50 UTC
Yes! We cannot slack off, we have to keep pushing and keep fighting and it's awesome.


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