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Comments 16

pikapika217 April 30 2016, 05:27:57 UTC
People not taking him seriously is a big part of how he was able to get this big and I am truly terrified of now only a Trump presidency but of how real of a possibility it is. In any case he has a huge lead over his competition in-party so a Trump presidency isn't as far fetched now as it has been the prior times he's run.


dafuqgetoffmeho April 30 2016, 05:34:58 UTC
I don't think he'll win for various reasons, but I'm not going to act like it's a given that he'll lose either because when you get comfortable, that's when you end up in situations like the one we're in now. Everyone's been underestimating Trump and the stupidity of the Republican Party (really of humanity in general) so Democrats better be on their A game, regardless of how far-fetched they think a Trump presidency might be. Hillary is still leading in the general election forecasts, but the past two polls have shown a decrease in her lead.


sugartitty April 30 2016, 11:13:38 UTC
I agree people shouldn't get complacent, but honestly I'd be more concerned if the RNC pulled some shenanigans and like chose Paul Ryan or Kasich--someone with an actual brain in their head with greater "likeability" than Clinton who could actually stand a chance of wooing women and non-white voters, and who appeals to Republicans and independents who wouldn't have gone to the polls for Trump. I think at this point Trump has so alienated every other voter aside from white men (and a particular group of white men at that, although I'm sure plenty of other white male Republicans will fall in line come November) that he couldn't possibly win, barring the above circumstances (which are so unlikely), or maybe something like a terrorist attack like britrawick said--although I think even that might not be enough. Even in the super red state of South Carolina, Clinton got 30,000 more votes than Trump did.


moonshaz April 30 2016, 23:14:23 UTC

Yes, I'd feel a lot more comfortable about Hillary running against Trump than Ryan or some other relatively sane appearing (because lbr, none of those guys really are sane, some of them are just better than others at looking like they  are) Repub. For that reason, I was particularly  glad about  first Jeb and then Rubio  (and, hopeflly soon, Kasich) dropping out of the race--they are/were relatively sane looking and hence more dangerous in a gen. election, imo than Trump.


britrawick April 30 2016, 05:56:39 UTC
Yes he can.

I find this so weird, throughout the primary process everyone dismissed his chances...here we are again and people are doing it again. There are a few things that can turn it his way:

-We know the economy will slow down considerably as the year goes on(just by design really after so many months of growth)
-Unemployment will rise slightly(a good thing because it means people who had stopped looking have started doing so again, but taken out of context it looks bad)
-More terrorist attacks in Europe( Americans do not act very rationally when it comes to terrorism)
-Trump is unorthodox, forget the political rule book, we don't know how the public will react to that(Granted GE voters are less prone to swallowing bullshit than GOP primary voters)

So yeah he could win, the more people under estimate his chances the more worried i am that people will be complacent and he would end up POTUS


cuzimblackbitch April 30 2016, 07:06:17 UTC
i don't think it's time to be complacent about him (or any potential republican nominee for that matter) until either hillary or bernie's inauguration, but that's just me. the article even mentions bush stealing the presidency, regardless of popular vote, and although each situation is different you never know what could happen during the rest of the race.


sugartitty April 30 2016, 11:17:38 UTC
True, but the article brought up Bush to point out how exceedingly rare it is for the popular vote and the electoral vote to not align. I'm not saying it can't happen but Bush and Trump are very different situations.


shipperx April 30 2016, 14:40:41 UTC
I had a LJ friend in the UK ask last fall whether it was possible for Trump to win the Republican primary. I was the only person who posted back that yes he could. I'm a blue dot in a red state. I never doubted that Trump could drum up supporters. Hell, I have three neighbors who openly support him! Ughhhh!!!!


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