Elizabeth Warren slams Trump for "woman card" comment

Apr 29, 2016 18:18

Senator Elizabeth Warren says Donald Trump’s latest critique of Hillary Clinton shows his weakness - not to mention his sexism.

“Donald Trump clearly feels threatened by Secretary Clinton’s qualifications to be president so he’s attacking Hillary Clinton for being a woman,” Warren said in a telephone interview with the Globe. “That’s what weak men do. It is an old story, and I don’t think the American voters will fall for it.”

Warren was responding to Trump’s assertion that Clinton, the Democratic presidential frontrunner, was playing the “woman card.”

“If Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she’d get 5 percent of the vote,” Trump said Tuesday night. The “only card she has is the woman’s card.”

Trump has stuck to the line in interviews since.

Asked how female candidates who are accused of using the gender card can fight back - without being accused of wielding that card - Warren responded, “Just get out there and do your job every day.”

“We need someone in the White House who isn’t afraid to fight for equal rights for women,” said Warren. “That person is not Donald Trump.”

Warren also posed a question of her own: “I hoped you were going to ask me if I thought he was a sexist,” Warren said.

“That’s like asking if he has bad hair,” she said. “He wears the sexism out front for everyone to see.”

Trump’s campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


elizabeth warren, sexism, donald trump, hillary clinton, women

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