Hillary Clinton calls Donald Trump "donkey of the decade"

Apr 18, 2016 21:10

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Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump the “Donkey of the Decade” during an interview Monday with Power 105.1’s “The Breakfast Club,” a play on the New York radio show’s daily feature “Donkey of the Day.”

The Democratic presidential front-runner was herself a recipient of the infamous honor in January “for inorganically using black culture and history as a way to connect with Black people” after what the station described as “Awkward Dabbing.” Clinton did the dance move on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show.”

“Look, I’m a Democrat, so being ‘Donkey of the Day’ is a little bit of a mixed blessing,” Clinton told hosts Charlamagne Tha God, Angela Yee and DJ Envy.

A number of presidential candidates have won the award, including Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, who was Feb. 29’s “Donkey” for initially refusing to disavow the Ku Klux Klan and former Grand Wizard David Duke.
“I think he’s the ‘Donkey of the Decade,’” Clinton said.

Clinton said Trump scares her because what he says is wrong for America. “It’s not only offensive to people and kind of makes you cringe, it’s dangerous,” she said. “I mean, he’s setting people against each other, he’s inciting violence, and what he’s doing, you know, to basically in so many ways play to the worst instincts of people is just in violation of American values and New York values for sure.”

The former secretary of state also described Trump’s rhetoric on foreign policy and national security as “dangerous.” Trump last month suggested that countries like Japan and South Korea develop nuclear weapons if they’re not willing to pay the United States more to protect them.
“That is one of the most irresponsible, reckless, dangerous things ever to come out of the mouth of a guy running for president,” Clinton said.

Clinton released a new TV ad last week targeting Trump by name, highlighting his call to punish women who have abortions if the procedure were outlawed and criticizing his references to Mexicans and Muslims.

“I’ve been taking him on from the beginning,” added Clinton, who said she would look forward to facing him in the general election if both win their parties’ nominations. “The Republicans, they just sort of stood there and watched this train wreck happen and then wonder, ‘Hey, how did the guy get to be where he is?’”

Republicans didn’t take Trump’s presidential campaign seriously in the beginning, Clinton said, and she questioned whether Trump himself even did so in the beginning. “But he sure does take it now, and he’s gonna fight for that nomination,” she said.

Since announcing his candidacy last June, the real estate mogul has also proposed building a wall on the southern border that Mexico would pay for and mocked Arizona Sen. John McCain’s service, calling him “a war hero because he was captured.”

Clinton said she began taking on Trump last summer and has done so more forcefully in recent weeks because what he’s doing is cancerous.

“We can’t let that stand. That is a cancer,” she said. “You don’t let the cancer grow bigger and bigger and bigger and then all of a sudden we wake up and say what the heck has happened to our country? Everybody needs to be going after him.”

Clinton referred to the New York billionaire as someone she knew casually, despite attending his third wedding, rather than someone she considered a friend. She called what she’s seen from him on the trail a “surprise.”

“It’s been a surprise to a lot of people who knew him. He’s always been kind of a, you know - thinks highly of himself, big ego, speaks about grandiose visions because, you know, a lot of guys who do developing and building buildings, they think like that,” Clinton said. “But this prejudice, this paranoia, this bigotry, that I had not seen before.”

“I hope that people are going to speak out loudly and clearly and, you know, not tune it out, because we’ve got to repudiate the guy and what he is saying, and everybody needs to be on the same page,” she continued.

They also spoke about her work with the Children's Defense Fund, Criminal Justice Reform, How she'd deal with anti women leaders of other countries,aparrently she carries hot sauce with her, Charlamagne was all "you pandering again"??lol. To be fair to her she's been a hot souce advocate since her days in AR, even spoke about it as a must as she travelled as SoS. Tho c'mon Hill, Tabasco??


hillary clinton, primaries, new york

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