George Clooney Explains Why ‘Obscene Amount of Money’ He Just Raised For Hillary Is Okay

Apr 17, 2016 11:02

Actor George Clooney, who just hosted a $353,000.00-per-couple fundraiser for the Hillary Clinton Victory Fund at his home Friday night, has been getting a lot of play Sunday morning over an excerpt from his Meet the Press interview with Chuck Todd in which he agrees that it’s “an obscene amount of money,” and that the pro-Bernie Sanders supporters who protested the event were right to do so. In the rest of the interview, however, Clooney made an excellent case, better than Hillary Clinton has, for why such fundraising is necessary, and not inconsistent with opposing big money in politics, while also pointing out that most of the money raised will go to electing a Democratic Senate that can enact reforms:

Elsewhere in the interview, Clooney expressed admiration and respect for Bernie Sanders, vowing to support him if he winds up being the Democratic nominee, and even offering to raise money for him if that should be the case:


money, celebrities, fundraising, hillary clinton

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