John Kerry has had just about enough out of Donald Trump

Apr 13, 2016 19:27

Kerry hits back at Trump's torture talk

Donald Trump's willingness to use torture has apparently pained John Kerry.

The secretary of state, in unveiling his department's annual human rights report on Wednesday, took a moment to "remove a scintilla" of doubt about where the Obama administration stands on the use of such harsh tactics.

“The United States is opposed to the use of torture in any form at any time by any government or non-state actor,” Kerry told reporters at the State Department.

Although he never mentioned Trump by name, Kerry said he was responding to comments by "others" - a clear reference to the Republican presidential front-runner.

"This is a standard that we insist others meet, and therefore we must meet this standard ourselves," the secretary said.

Trump has said on more than one occasion that he believes that the use of waterboarding and other methods could be warranted, especially when it comes to fighting Islamist terrorists.

“I mean, they chop off heads and they drown people in cages with 50 in a cage, in big, steel heavy cages, drop them right into the water drown people, and we can’t waterboard and we can’t do anything,” he told Fox News.

Trump's torture talk has already prompted other retorts from U.S. officials.

CIA Director John Brennan has said his agency won't resurrect its use of waterboarding, even if a future president ordered it. (Trump called Brennan's response "ridiculous.")

Kerry, a Vietnam War veteran and former presidential candidate, normally wouldn't weigh in on the election process due to his status as the secretary of state, a non-partisan position with diplomatic restraints.

His decision to do so suggests growing wariness and worry overseas about the potential of a Trump presidency.


I love the way Kerry made it absolutely clear who he was talking about without naming names!

john kerry, torture, donald trump, human rights

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