Bernie Sanders Wins Wyoming Democratic Caucuses

Apr 09, 2016 15:20

Continuing a string of victories across the West, Senator Bernie Sanders won the Wyoming Democratic caucuses Saturday, chipping away at Hillary Clinton’s delegate lead before a major primary in New York next week.

With 96 percent of precincts reporting, The Associated Press declared Mr. Sanders the winner with 56 percent of the vote.

With just 14 delegates up for grab in Wyoming, the victory trims only a little from Hillary Clinton’s 219-delegate lead. But coming after Mr. Sanders’s recent big victories in Washington State, Alaska, Idaho, Utah, Hawaii and Wisconsin, it was more evidence of Mrs. Clinton’s weaknesses among white and liberal voters as the race moves to major primaries in New York and elsewhere in the Northeast.

It was the only contest of the day for the Democrats. In Colorado, Republicans were finishing their final round of voting at their state party convention Saturday in Colorado Springs. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas clinched a majority of the state’s 37 national delegates by Friday night.

Like Mr. Sanders, Mr. Cruz still trails the front-runner in his race, in his case, Donald J. Trump. And the campaign now moves to territory likely to be far more favorable to Mr. Trump.

Though Mr. Sanders was favored in the Wyoming Democratic race, Mrs. Clinton, as she has in most states, had endorsements from more elected officials, and the state’s four “superdelegates” are supporting her. In 2008, she lost to Barack Obama in Wyoming by 24 percentage points.

The state was exactly the type of contest she struggles in. It is mostly white, and it uses a caucus format. Mrs. Clinton did not campaign in Wyoming, choosing instead to devote time and resources to the delegate-rich New York and Pennsylvania primaries on April 19 and April 26, respectively.

New York, Mrs. Clinton’s adopted home state and Mr. Sanders’s birth state, could be a firewall that lets her reclaim the momentum and take a big step toward making her delegate lead insurmountable. Its more diverse population and its more traditional primary method of voting make the state friendlier territory for Mrs. Clinton.

In Wyoming, the Clinton campaign did dispatch former President Bill Clinton to campaign on his wife’s behalf. On a stop in Cheyenne this month, he talked about the need for clean energy and a transition away from coal and other fossil fuels - comments that came as 500 Wyoming coal workers faced being laid off. A protester outside held a sign that read, “God, guns and coal made America great.”

Mr. Clinton spoke about the layoffs. “Just think about the jobs that would be created in Wyoming if we decided to maximize your capacity to export wind as you export coal,” he said.

The former president seemed acutely aware of his wife’s chances in the state’s caucuses. “There are a lot of young college students who have been very enthusiastic about her opponent because he promises free tuition for everyone,” he said. (Mr. Sanders has proposed free tuition at public colleges.)

“But,” Mr. Clinton said, “if you read the fine print, the free tuition comes two-thirds from the federal government and one-third from the state.” He said it was unrealistic to expect the state’s Republican governor and Legislature to support the program.

Mr. Sanders himself showed up in Wyoming, holding a rally Tuesday in Laramie, where he delivered his victory speech after winning the Wisconsin primary.

“I believe we have an excellent chance to win New York and a lot of delegates in that state,” Mr. Sanders said in Laramie. “We have an excellent chance to win in Oregon, and to win in California.”

Referring to his large deficit among superdelegates, the party leaders and elected officials who have overwhelmingly backed Mrs. Clinton, but who could still change their mind, he said: “I think a lot of these superdelegates are going to be looking around them. And they are going to be saying, ‘Which candidate has the momentum?’”

James King, a political science professor at the University of Wyoming, said the state, which has struggled to diversify its economy beyond coal, gas and oil, was a good fit for Mr. Sanders. “He really has to, I think, at each success build on another success, and he is running out of states obviously,” Professor King said.


election 2016, wyoming, democrats, bernie sanders

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