#OccupyCNN Brings Bernie Supporters to Hollywood

Apr 03, 2016 19:53

A large group of Bernie Sanders supporters gathered at the CNN building on Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood Sunday to protest the cable channel’s coverage of the 2016 presidential election.

Sanders supporters organized online under the #OccupyCNN and #BernieBlackout hashtags.

Many protesters voiced concerns that candidates are not getting equal airtime on the cable channel.

“Stop showing Trump so much,” said a man interviewed by Periscope user Sanders Fangirl. “Stick to the issues.”

“There should be fair and equal coverage for all presidential candidates,” said a man also interviewed by the Periscope user.

CNN on early Sunday afternoon had not issued a public statement on the protests.


The whole point of the protest was that it wouldn't get any media attention, which sadly came true, so I apologize for the weak source on this. I'll update this post as/if more comes along. Not surprising that CNN didn't report on this, but it was awkward that they locked the doors as if we were trying to make out way in. Some of these pics were stolen from my buddy Aaron who got there before I did.

california, cnn, oh shit the internet is here, los angeles, protest, bernie sanders, election 2016, picspam, activism

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