Fuckface Drumpf is about to be the first man hunted & killed by women everywhere.

Mar 30, 2016 13:54

Trump: Women Should Be “Punished” With Deadly Back Alley-Abortions In “Illegal Places”

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Republican front-runner Donald Trump tripled down on his flagrant misogyny in an interview today with MSNBC‘s Chris Matthews, fully abandoning his previously held pro-choice positions and endorsing a full ban on abortion. “There has to be some form of ( Read more... )

*trigger warning: sexism, oh not this shit again, womens rights, women, stupid people, womens health, not helping, irl troll, *trigger warning: bullying, donald trump, fuck this guy, think i just threw up a bit in my mouth, abortion

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headcaseheidi March 30 2016, 22:11:16 UTC
like.. is it bad that i can't even muster up any outrage or sadness at this point because i have just been feeling a consistent numbness in regards to anything this shitheel and the rest of the republicans (and some of the democrats) have been vomiting up during this election? i've met so many "liberal" men who believe watered down variations of the same thing.

i can no longer be surprised by the extent of human shittiness.


shortsweetcynic March 31 2016, 09:44:06 UTC
with you 100%, sis. i didn't think anything could get scarier than 2012 - i ended up in tears more than once trying to discuss politics with my husband, who really didn't get why i was so freaked - so this entire shitshow is almost more than i can process.


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