Dolores Huerta slams Sanders; Bern Victims Question Her Record as an Activist

Mar 25, 2016 20:45

If you’ve been following the Democratic primary, you may have noticed that Bernie Sanders has positioned himself as a champion of the immigrant community. From the letter he sent to Barack Obama last week, to the work he, his campaign, and surrogates have done attacking other candidates’ positions, you would think that he has been a lifelong ( Read more... )

democrats, immigration, bernie sanders

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britrawick March 26 2016, 06:32:36 UTC
Urgh when this election cycle started, i liked Bernie even though i didn't agree with his positions. The longer its going on the more i see that Barney Frank was right about him. His demands for Clinton to get his endorsement are ridiculous. You can't expect the winning candidate to take on your losing platform.

I said before that the idea of power has gone to his head and the longer this goes on, the more i think it. Clinton should respond with cool indifference to this.


spidergwen March 26 2016, 07:05:34 UTC
That article... Kinda make me even more suspicious of him being able to even work with the Dems. I know the GOP is out the question on working with him(except for gun control and immigration)


richeiieu March 26 2016, 08:41:46 UTC
Yep, everything that I've heard from staffers is that Sanders is a low-key grade A asshole. He only happens to be one of the most partisan senators of 2015 and then well, just take a look at how badly of a job he does in Congress. :x


homicidalslayer March 26 2016, 09:07:47 UTC
That's not atypical of a legislator who's running for President. His 2014 stats are quite different.


richeiieu March 26 2016, 17:13:48 UTC

Writing Bipartisan Bills: 2nd lowest among Senate Cmte. Chairs/RkMembs
Sanders tends to gather cosponsors only on one side of the aisle. 9% of Sanders’s 69 bills and resolutions had both a Democratic cosponsor and a Republican cosponsor in the 113th Congress.

Missed Votes: highest 20% among All Senators


homicidalslayer March 26 2016, 19:55:35 UTC
He was literally registered as a Socialist for decades, of fucking course he's not going to have much luck getting Republican support on his bills, it's political suicide for them to associate with him while attacking the President for being "socialist"

Having a poor attendance record in a chamber where the average missed vote rate is only 1.3% doesn't say that much, tbh. The bulk of his missed votes in 2014 coincide with record snowstorms (and flooding) in Vermont:
Bernie Sanders' 2014 Voting Record

Time Period
Votes Eligible
Missed Votes
Percent Missed

2014 Jan-Mar

2014 Apr-Jun

2014 Jul-Sep

2014 Nov-Dec

Additionally: )


spidergwen March 26 2016, 07:02:40 UTC
I like Bernie too and I think he greatly benefits from being unknown and that's why he polls so well against GOP candidates rn, the con of course is being shut out of the media.

Though I do think had he actually become a front runner, he wouldn't really hold up as well to the scrutiny. Especially as I don't think he's handled the few small things that have been thrown at him all that well either.


hikerpoet March 26 2016, 11:58:33 UTC
Yeah, as I've said, one of the things I'm sick of, being in the region of the country where he has been frequently in the news for decades, is the fact he uses the exact same damn lines on every peer when called out, including other super progressives. He seems like ultimately a good guy who is very consistent but despite the appealing cool grandpa good vibe there is an arrogance there that comes out on both the large and small stages.

I do think Clinton goes the other extreme. She frames things so much for the audience she's talking to it is part of what makes her seem disingenuous and untrustworthy, even when the meat or facts hold up as being true or consistent, and can seem stilted or forced at best. But ultimately I think her style will be more effective, especially in face to face meetings.


screamingintune March 26 2016, 16:24:15 UTC
I kind of cut Hill some slack on her situational framing of things. She's had people policing her behavior right down to her tone of voice for decades, I don't even know how she has the patience to put forth a polite tone ever lol


moonshaz March 27 2016, 00:10:40 UTC
I know exactly what you mean. Everything she says or does is picked to death, spun in the most negative way, distorted, and then picked to death all over again. I'm sick of it.


mycenaes March 27 2016, 00:18:26 UTC


hikerpoet March 27 2016, 01:23:04 UTC
Agreed, on multiple levels, and many would argue it is actually a very good thing to "know your audience". Most extremely strong leaders do that all the damn time, and it doesn't mean they lack integrity. But I also see how it comes off as non-genuine, even when we're not even talking carriage, especially when people are sadly assuming the worst from the get-go.


britrawick March 26 2016, 13:18:07 UTC
seriously the Kochs were funding attack ads against Clinton for him cause they knew he'd be a weaker general election candidate. You reveal to Americans he had the USSR flag in his office ,some of the niceties he's had to say about Communists and dictators would send them running the other way.Say what you will about Hillary but she's been through it all with the Republican attack machine so we know what's coming and she knows how o handle it as well. Bernie gets easily ruffled and grumpy when things aren't going his way. He's such an easy candidate to dismiss in the general.


blackjedii March 26 2016, 13:34:09 UTC
It depends on who is the Republican nominee. If it is Cruz or Kasichit will be easy for Clinton ( ... )


britrawick March 26 2016, 13:42:11 UTC
She hasn't attacked him on what would hurt the most in the GE which is the perceived socialism and ties to communism. People accused Obama of it, a very capitalist person and it stuck for some. A self proclaimed socialist with ties to actual Communism??Will not win an Election in the US. People on the far left might be fine with it but a lot of moderate DEMOCRATS aren't comfortable with that position let alone the rest of the country. All these independent we've heard about going for him are uber liberals who feel like the Democratic party doesn't represent them, most GE independents are centrists either slightly to the left or to the right, they'd be horrified by Sanders.


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