Privilege is what allows Sanders supporters to say they’ll “never” vote for Clinton

Mar 23, 2016 09:43

The latest installment of “The Internet Explodes with Hatred for Hillary Clinton” happened earlier this month. The Democratic presidential candidate, whose own record on AIDS research and funding is better than any other candidate, mistakenly said that former US first lady Nancy Reagan was a key supporter of AIDS research. Reagan was, in reality, ( Read more... )

election 2016, hillary clinton, bernie sanders

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mutive March 24 2016, 16:03:03 UTC
I'd argue it's more on how to handle the issues that Clinton and Sanders have the primary disagreement. But considering how similar most of their voting records are, I'm disinclined to see *that* huge a difference. (And I suspect that, once dealing with the realities of office, both would *probably* handle things similarly. Again, though, that's very clearly an opinion.) Regardless, I feel fairly certain that *either* would act more like the other than they would like either Trump or Cruz.

I don't think *anything* can be blamed entirely on any one person. I also hope that, ultimately, most states will swing to Clinton or Sanders regardless of which gets the nomination. But I don't think the sentiment of Clinton being the devil (or Sanders being the devil) is particularly productive, again, considering the alternatives.

And I do think that at least a percentage of the criticism leveled at Clinton clearly is misogynistic and that there's another chunk that is perhaps not overtly misogynistic, but that does hold her accountable in ways male candidates clearly haven't been held accountable that should be examined.


moonshaz March 26 2016, 00:19:29 UTC
I completely agree with this, especially the last paragraph:

And I do think that at least a percentage of the criticism leveled at Clinton clearly is misogynistic and that there's another chunk that is perhaps not overtly misogynistic, but that does hold her accountable in ways male candidates clearly haven't been held accountable that should be examined.

It just KILLS me how many people who are constantly bashing her don't seem to see this. KILLS ME.


mutive March 26 2016, 01:47:13 UTC
Yeah, me too. I mean, duh, Clinton does not have the perfect record. She's an insider, panders, and flip flops. So does Sanders.

I don't hate either of them for it. People are allowed to change their opinions. Also, they're politicians, so it's to be expected.


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