Bernie Sanders Round-Up (Yes, I'm going there)

Mar 18, 2016 19:16

In today's Bernie news; Draws big crowds in Salt Lake City, says 'No Thanks' to Israel, and draws a focus to Native American rights.

🔥👌❤ #Utah 7 mile long line for Bernie Sanders rally , 25,000 supporters
- Mass For Bernie (@Mass4Bernie) March 19, 2016

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah - A massive crowd of more than 14,000 Bernie Sanders supporters came out on Friday to Brigham Young State Park overlooking the snow-capped Rocky Mountains to hear the Democratic presidential candidate.

“On Tuesday there is going to be a very important caucus here in Utah. Let me give you a simple political truism. We will win that caucus if there is a large turnout. We will lose if there isn’t,” Sanders said.

Across town, Republican front-runner Donald Trump drew a much smaller crowd in the same city on the same day.

Sanders told his supporters that he would be the best choice for Democrats who want to retain the White House and defeat Trump in November. “In almost every poll we run much stronger against him that does Secretary Clinton,” Sanders said.

Sanders said Trump hurts his own chances because he doesn’t tell the truth and is insulting to Mexicans, Muslims, women, veterans and African-Americans.

He also said Trump isn’t honest with his audiences. A PolitiFact assessment of 112 Trump statements found that 78 were false, mostly false or “pants on fire” wrong. “He will not be elected president because he lies all of the time and the American people will not elect someone who lies.”

Utah was the second stop on a three-state swing that took him earlier to Idaho Falls, another state where Democrats will go to caucuses next Tuesday to choose a nominee for the Democratic Party nomination for president. Later Friday, Sanders was headed to Tucson to resume campaigning in Arizona where voters will go to the polls in a primary election on Tuesday.

Sanders spoke about a wide range of issues including his plan for a Medicare-for-all health care system. “Despite the Affordable Care Act, many millions of Americans have no health insurance,” he said.

Sanders also called for bold action to reverse global warming caused by burning coal, oil, gas and other fossil fuels. Sanders would tax carbon to discourage burning fuels that emit the greenhouse gasses responsible for climate change.


Bernie Sanders turns down invitation to address AIPAC confab

WASHINGTON (JTA) - Citing his campaign schedule, Bernie Sanders said he would not address AIPAC’s conference next week, making him the only presidential candidate that will not attend the large annual pro-Israel gathering this year.

“I would very much have enjoyed speaking at the AIPAC conference,” Sanders said in a letter Friday to Robert Cohen, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee president.

“Obviously, issues impacting Israel and the Middle East are of the utmost importance to me, to our country and to the world,” he said. “Unfortunately, I am going to be traveling throughout the West and the campaign schedule that we have prevents me from attending. Since AIPAC has chosen not to permit candidates to address the conference remotely, the best that I can do is to send you a copy of the remarks that I would have given if I was able to attend.”

Sanders noted that he and Cohen had spoken earlier in the day.

Sanders, trailing Hillary Clinton in the race for the Democratic nomination, faces contests in Utah, Idaho and Arizona on Tuesday.

AIPAC has allowed presidential candidates to deliver speeches remotely in past elections. In 2012, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich, then candidates for the Republican presidential nomination, addressed the AIPAC conference via satellite.

AIPAC said it was no longer the lobby’s practice to permit remote addresses.

“We invited the Senator and we gave him the same opportunity to speak as the other candidates,” an AIPAC official told JTA in an email “We understand that he very much wanted to come but could not get back from West Coast to do it. We did change our policy and no candidate was offered/permitted the opportunity to address the conference remotely this year.”

Sanders said he would be submitting the text of a speech to AIPAC and asked the organization to make it available to the 18,000 activists who will be attending.

“We should be able to get that speech to you on Monday,” said Sanders, who has been petitioned by AIPAC critics not to attend the conference. “Any help that you could give us in getting those remarks out to your members would be much appreciated.”

In addition to Clinton, Republican candidates Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Ohio Gov. John Kasich are addressing the conference.


What do you think his remarks will say? Do you respect his campaign hustle?

Sanders speaks out for Native American rights at Flagstaff rally

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At a packed rally in Flagstaff, Arizona, Bernie Sanders delivered a passionate speech calling for rights to be restored to Native Americans and indigenous peoples across America.

Sanders spoke to several thousand supporters gathered outside of Flagstaff, in the heart of Navajo Country. According to the Associated Press, Sanders deviated from his traditional stump speech - in which he normally calls for tuition-free college, universal health care as a human right, and a $15 an hour minimum wage - to specifically address centuries of injustices the U.S. government has perpetrated upon Native Americans.

“From the first day that settlers came to this country, the Native American people have been lied to, they have been cheated, and negotiated treaties have been broken,” Sanders said. “We owe the Native American people so, so much.”

Sanders thanked Native American populations for preserving their culture and heritage, and outlined the oppressive policies and broken promises indigenous communities have endured for hundreds of years.

“All too often, Native Americans have not been heard on issues that impact their communities. They have been told what to do. They have not been involved in the process,” Sanders said to cheers.

“The United States has the duty to guarantee equal opportunity and justice for all citizens, including our first Native Americans. And let us be honest and acknowledge that we are not doing that today,” he continued.

In true Bernie Sanders fashion, the Vermont senator let loose with a flurry of statistics detailing how much tribal nations have suffered at the hands of the U.S. government.

“Today in America, one in four Native Americans are living in poverty, and the high school graduation rate is 67 percent, the lowest of any racial demographic group. The second leading cause of death for Native Americans between 15 and 24 is suicide. And that speaks to incredible despair.

One in three Native American women will be raped in her lifetime. Most of the offenders are non-Native. Most of the programs dedicated to the tribal nations are underfunded. That has led to inadequate housing, inadequate health care, inadequate education, and insufficient law enforcement.

Today, Native Americans have a lower life expectancy and higher rates of uninsured than the population at large, and even those who have health coverage have difficulty accessing the healthcare that they need.”

Sanders promised to right those wrongs if elected president. Given his recent U.S. Senate bill - the Save Flat Oak Act, which would return sacred Native American land previously sold to a mining company back to its rightful owners - Sanders has every intention of delivering on his campaign promise.

“The sacred places of our Native American communities cannot and must not be sacrificed for the profits of mining interests,” Sanders said to raucous applause.


Win or lose, I just can't get rid of the Bern.

native americans, utah, arizona, mormons, israel, bernie sanders

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