Drumpf Dump

Mar 02, 2016 22:00

Donald Trump Jr. does interview with white supremicist radio show host

Donald Trump Jr, the eldest son of the Republican presidential frontrunner and one of his political surrogates, has granted a 20-minute radio interview to a prominent white supremacist who broadcasts what has been dubbed as “the primary radio nexus of hate in America”.

The younger Trump will be featured as guest of honor in Saturday’s broadcast of the Political Cesspool, according to the producers of the three-hour program that lists among its objectives, “to grow the percentage of Whites in the world relative to other races.” The show is presented by James Edwards, an avowed white nationalist who is pro-slavery and whose previous guests include the former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan David Duke as well as a raft of Holocaust deniers and neo-Nazis.

Edwards was granted credentials by the Trump campaign to appear as a bona fide media reporter at a recent stump appearance by the real estate billionaire in Memphis. He was given a media badge and a VIP parking slot before enjoying one-to-one time with the candidate’s son.

In a statement released on Wednesday, a spokesperson for Trump Sr said that the campaign issued the credentials routinely to everyone who requested them for the Memphis event. The campaign had no knowledge of Edwards’ personal views “and strongly condemns them”, the statement said.

The campaign’s media team also attempted to sow seeds of doubt about Edwards’s claim that he interviewed the candidate’s son, saying that to Donald Trump Jr’s “knowledge and that of the campaign, [he] did not participate in an interview with this individual”. That conflicted, however, with an update given by Edwards himself on his website in which he said: “I apologize for nothing and I retract nothing.”

In the original blog posted on his white nationalist website, Edwards said that his experience at the Memphis rally “lived up to my expectations”. In glowing terms, he said that his hopes for Trump’s candidacy had been proven right - Donald Trump was the leader “our people” had been waiting for.

“Our people just needed a viable candidate and they’ve identified Trump as that man. There is no doubt that Trump’s populism and nationalism is galvanizing our nation and may change the course of American history for the better right before our very eyes.”

Edwards went on to praise Trump’s “masculine attitude” as a “prototypical alpha male” and said he was supporting his candidacy because “because immigration is the single biggest problem that our nation needs to solve. Demographics is destiny.”

The granting by the Trump campaign of such intimate media access to a core racist outlet can only add to the controversy surrounding the Republican frontrunner’s links to white supremacy. On Tuesday the Republican speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, publicly rebuked Trump by saying that anyone running for his party’s presidential nomination had to “reject any group or cause that is built on bigotry”.

Ryan’s rare put-down came after Trump refused to disavow the prominent advocate of race hate and former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke in the course of a CNN interview over the weekend, although he had done so the previous Friday.

In sitting down with James Edwards for a radio interview, the younger Donald Trump has put himself among strange bedfellows. Duke has made regular appearances on the Political Cesspool and has returned the compliment by lauding the show’s presenter as his “favourite radio patriot”.

The Political Cesspool is sponsored by the Council of Conservative Citizens, the white supremacist website that was claimed as an inspiration by Dylann Roof, the suspected mass shooter accused of murdering nine black worshippers at the Mother Emanuel church in Charleston last June. Edwards was honored at the Council of Conservative Citizens’ annual conference in 2007.

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors US hate groups, the Political Cesspool is “a leading forum for neo-Nazis, Holocaust deniers, and white supremacists”. Edwards’s strength and danger, SPLC says, is in “smoothly injecting white nationalist ideology into national mainstream media discussions of race relations and crime in America”.

Among Edwards’s controversial positions is his support for slavery. He has said that “slavery is the greatest thing that ever happened to” African Americans.

His show is broadcast from Memphis, Tennessee, between 6 and 9pm central time every Saturday. The Political Cesspool says it will be carrying a feed of the Trump Jr interview on its website this weekend.

The Trump media accreditation of the Political Cesspool show was first reported by littlegreenfootballs.com.


Woman Assaulted at Trump Rally, One of the Attackers is Avowed White Supremicist

As Donald Trump raked in a total of seven states on Super Tuesday last night (Mar. 1), his victory was marked by the assault of a young black University of Louisville student named Shiya Nwanguma. The horrendous video, which shows Nwanguma being shoved as obscenities are hurled at her, sparked a reaction from viewers on social media. The clip-which has since gone viral-is among a series of events that include violence against protesters of color at Trump rallies.

“I was called a n-- and a c-t and got kicked out,” Nwanguma said, the New York Daily News reports. “They were pushing and shoving at me, cursing at me, yelling at me, called me every name in the book. They were disgusting and dangerous.”

Among the men who were involved in the incident was Matthew Heimbach, who is a member of the Traditionalist Worker Party. He was pictured at the Louisville rally donning the same red hat and glasses as the most aggressive man in the video, pushing and yelling at Nwanguma in the clip. Taking to Twitter after the backlash, Heimbach claimed Black Lives Matter activists “comes to a Trump event to fight:”

Heimbach also penned a blog post on the Traditionalist Worker Party’s website, where he wrote: “Statistically speaking, the myth of Blacks being targeted by law enforcement is untenable. In fact, if there’s a reckless disregard for human life and culture of violence to be found, it’s to be found in America’s Black community.

The Traditionalist Worker Party, which has been referred to as a “Neo-Nazi,” “white supremacist” collective, took to Twitter as well to clarify that they are “White Nationalists:”

According to an account from another protester, Chanelle Helm, the crowd of angry Trump supporters was reminiscent of the kinds of hatred that was spewed before and during the height of the Civil Rights movement.

“In my entire life I had never had anyone look at me with such hate. It was like the videos and photos we’ve seen from the Little Rock 9 and other school integration moments from the 1950s and ’60s where the fury was palpable in the eyes of the white women,” she said.

The Daily News also reports that Trump himself was shouting “get them out of here” as Nwanguma was being assaulted. Watch her give her own account of the unfortunate Super Tuesday events below:

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Video of the assault:

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I'm really starting to worry that someone is going to end up getting killed at a Trump rally. He is actively encouraging people with the way he reacts.

race / racism, election 2016, donald trump, fuck this guy

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