How Clinton and Sanders Pursue Change, Academically Speaking

Feb 29, 2016 16:09

How, actually, does the world change?

As Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state, and Senator Bernie Sanders compete for the Democratic presidential nomination, they have fleshed out not only rival policy platforms, but also rival theories of change: How to diagnose what needs changing, where to stand relative to the system you would change, and how to measure change.

I asked some scholars for their help in distilling and distinguishing these theories of change.


If you think the United States’ ailments have multiple, intersecting, sometimes unrelated causes, Mrs. Clinton may be more your speed. If you believe those ailments can be traced to the root cause of money, Mr. Sanders may be a better fit.

Ann Fabian, a historian at Rutgers, suggested that Mrs. Clinton is a fox and Mr. Sanders a hedgehog, a reference to the philosopher Isaiah Berlin’s formulation about those “who pursue many ends” (foxes) and those who “relate everything to a single central vision” (hedgehogs). “Which is why Sanders is the better campaigner right now,” Professor Fabian added.

For Peter Alexander Meyers, a professor of American studies at the Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris, Mr. Sanders’s focus on money is compelling because “the money in question is not one thing, or even a thing.”

“In America, in modernity, money is an entire and pervasive symbolic realm that infuses almost everything else.”

Prof. Tiya Miles, a historian at the University of Michigan, admires both candidates but is more drawn to Mrs. Clinton’s notion of multiple, intersecting “barriers,” not all reducible to economics.

“There is no single, stand-alone root for the problems that Americans face today,” she said. “For example, American slavery was an exploitative economic system developed by the elite, but it depended on widespread ideologies of race and gender for its persistence and brutal effectiveness.”

Where to Stand

If you value a candidate’s ability to work an existing system and are willing to overlook the compromises involved in belonging to it, Mrs. Clinton may suit you. If you most admire purity of purpose and are willing to overlook a lack of experience in dealing with the systems a candidate pledges to reform, Mr. Sanders could resonate more.

The Berlin-based ethnographer Alexa Clay, who studied change agents in her book, “The Misfit Economy,” talks about mainlands, islands and peninsulas.

The mainland is where old power rules. On islands you can “incubate alternative agendas,” but it is hard to “infect and influence the system.” A peninsula, though, “has enough isolation to stand in integrity for something new, while maintaining influencing ties to the mainland.” Ms. Clay framed the Sanders-Clinton race as a choice between the builder of an alternative power base on a peninsula and a mainland cultural maverick who knows how to “game the system.”

Measuring Change

If you value tangible legislative accomplishments most, Mrs. Clinton is perhaps your pick. If you would be willing to trade fewer such accomplishments for a shot at changing the terms of political debate for years to come, Mr. Sanders may be more appealing.

“Most of what Sanders preaches would be irrelevant during his hypothetical presidency because he couldn’t get any of it approved by Congress,” said Robert J. Gordon, an economist at Northwestern University.

But Lily Geismer, a historian at Claremont McKenna College and the author of “Don’t Blame Us: Suburban Liberals and the Transformation of the Democratic Party,” argued that not getting things done has sometimes been the prologue to getting a lot done.

She cited the Republican Barry Goldwater’s ideologically purist, failed 1964 presidential run. Mr. Goldwater has been called “the most consequential loser in American politics” - because, in Professor Geismer’s telling, he forged a new coalition (the young, suburbanites, libertarians, religious conservatives, business elites, Southern whites) and distilled a message about freedom. His party won five of the next six presidential contests.

“Campaigns, even more than presidencies, can have a long-term impact,” Professor Geismer said.


election 2016, hillary clinton, bernie sanders

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