ONTD_P ORIGINAL: The remaining Presidential candidates, sorted into Game of Thrones houses

Feb 21, 2016 00:48

DISCLAIMER: This is just my opinion and also isn't serious. Feel free to debate the sorting on its merits, though.

DISCLAIMER #2: I only read like 2 of these books, but I've watched every episode of Game of Thrones multiple times, so the opinions reflected are tv-based

Donald Trump
House: Lannister
-ostentatious display of wealth (but there's those bankruptcy whispers anyway)
-every time he's attacked, he hits back hard, because a Trump always pays his debts
-everything's covered in gold
-has said slightly iffy creepy things about his own daughter

Hillary Clinton
House: Tyrell
-very wealthy and thus establishment
-led by a powerful and politically shrewd woman
-you know a modern day Olenna would rock a pants suit hard

Bernie Sanders
House: Stark
-from the North
-all about fairness

Ted Cruz
House: Frey
-would probably kill you at his own daughter's wedding if he could get away with it
-makes you feel like you need a bath when you look at him

Marco Rubio
House: Bolton
-puts on an act
-that act is "being the moderate choice"
-but if elected, would stab us all and say, "The Tea Party Sends Their Regards"

Ben Carson
House: Greyjoy
-isn't around much
-but when he shows up is horrible and obnoxious
-The Iron Islands seem as lethargic and dreary as Ben Carson

John Kasich
House: Karstark
-oh yeah that guy
-eh well
-no one ever really thought he'd be relevant, right? right.

mods, we don't have an "ONTD_P Original" tag, maybe we should? I just thought it would be a fun post to mix up pop culture with the politics, since we are an ONTD offshoot. ^^

marco rubio, donald trump, !an ONTD_P Original™, hillary clinton, ben carson, ted cruz, bernie sanders

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