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lovedforaday February 10 2016, 20:45:29 UTC
still don't see how i'm supposed to be more impressed with a guy that never really engaged black folks before september than a woman who takes black folks for granted.


mister_pepsi February 10 2016, 21:11:24 UTC
She didn't merely take black people for granted. She helped Bill enact policies which destroyed countless of Black American families. Bernie's record isn't perfect, however, he has a history of supporting Black people. He opposed the welfare-reform law in 1996, for example.

Even TODAY, the Clintons are doing incredibly evil shady shit to black people globally.

Bill & Hillary Clinton force #Haiti farmers off their land to bring 'economic growth' slave park. #OpCanary https://t.co/QE8j84kUdU
- OpCanary (@OpCanary) February 9, 2016


lovedforaday February 10 2016, 23:10:19 UTC
yeah, hillary is the worse of the two. i wonder hillary regrets promoting her husbands policies so hard because it's coming back to haunt her now.


mister_pepsi February 10 2016, 23:22:03 UTC
It upsets me so much that Bernie voted for that disgusting crime bill. (Where Hillary called black men 'super predators' LMAO) But his response to BLM after Seattle showed me he is willing to listen, learn, and reflect it in policy. Plus, he's done other things that are commendable. Like Jesse Jackson and Pell for Prisoners.


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nutmegdealer February 10 2016, 23:08:06 UTC
it's always like that, unfortunately. you just gotta pick the less slimy one.


lovedforaday February 10 2016, 23:11:29 UTC
i'm becoming increasingly tempted to finally vote in a primary to vote against clinton.


elialshadowpine February 11 2016, 12:28:10 UTC
My state has caucuses, not primaries. I may not be able to attend due to extenuating circumstances, but I will if I can. What's important here is that I have severe, SEVERE anxiety, and the idea of being in a room full of loudly debating parties is scary. But I know even if I say nothing, the numbers matter for delegates. So I'm trying to get as many people as I can to attend.

Let me repeat: This is TERRIFYING to me. But I am going to do it if at all possible because it MATTERS.


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