Republican Debate Round-Up

Jan 15, 2016 10:56

GOP Debate Winners and Losers

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz had their first fist-fight of the 2016 campaign during Thursday night's Republican debate.

And they both won.

But they weren't the only victors in a night that revealed the top seven GOP presidential contenders' strengths and weaknesses just over two weeks before voters cast the first ballots in the Iowa caucuses.

Here's our take on the winners and losers that made for a rowdy night in South Carolina.


Donald Trump

Donald Trump gave his best debate performance of the campaign.

Standing center-stage, the front-runner towered over the field with unrelenting verbal volleys at the top contenders -- at least the few who dared to take him on, their fear just another sign of his dominance.

Trump's strongest moments came as he and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz had their most public and direct fight of the campaign.

The real estate developer effectively planted the idea in voters' minds that Cruz's Canadian birthplace could be a liability should Democrats challenge the Texas senator's eligibility to run for president.

Trump also steamrolled Cruz over the latter's attack on his "New York values."

"When the World Trade Center came down, I saw something that no place on Earth could have handled more beautifully, more humanely than New York," Trump said to applause.

Ted Cruz

Building on his recent surge in the polls, Cruz elevated himself as he went toe to toe with The Donald -- indicating a two-man race might be in the offing.

Cruz got the most screen time in two separate bouts with the billionaire.

The Texas senator sought to dismiss Trump's questions about his "natural-born" status as ridiculous by introducing questions about Trump's own eligibility given the billionaire's Scottish-born mother. And he pointed out that he, a lawyer who's argued constitutional cases before the Supreme Court, would not be taking any legal advice from Trump, who has no legal training.

And then he added some levity when he suggested Trump could be his VP, and jump to the head of the ticket if he is ruled ineligible.

Despite Trump's strong defense of his New York background, Cruz's references to issues such as abortion, guns and gay marriage could win him support from conservatives in Iowa.

"I think most people know exactly what New York values are," Cruz said.

Chris Christie

Christie delivered the strongest debate performance of the establishment candidates as he touted his record as a governor and let his no-nonsense New Jersey spirit shine.

A one-liner against Rubio is sure to get some play.

"You already had your chance, Marco. You blew it," Christie told Rubio as the Florida senator tried to interject.

It's notable that Christie's best moments came as he battled Rubio, as the two have been sparring for support in New Hampshire where Christie is on the rise.

Nikki Haley

When even the candidate you criticized on national television talks you up as a "friend," you know you've got influence.

After obliquely knocking Trump in her delivery of the GOP response to the State of the Union Tuesday, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley earned the businessman's praise on the stage Thursday night.

Haley, the popular South Carolina governor praised by both establishment and tea party figures, basked in goodwill from those on the stage -- likely pining for her powerful South Carolina endorsement.

As a woman and a minority, the Indian-American governor is considered a top vice presidential pick as the party gears up for what it believes will be a battle against Democrat Hillary Clinton. Trump, though, dismissed her VP prospects on CNN after her speech.


Ben Carson

Ben Carson looks like he's still trying to figure out his place at the table.

Facing a campaign in turmoil and slippage in the polls, the retired neurosurgeon didn't do anything Thursday night to stand out from the pack.

And he didn't make good use of his time. As he took his first question, he chose to start by complaining about the time it took the moderators to give him a turn rather than simply make his case to the public. lol what else is new? He does this EVERY. TIME.

Arguments for why he'd be a better president than the rest, however? Sorely missing.

John Kasich

John Kasich was also present last night -- and that sums up his performance.

The New York Times

The Republican candidates took several swipes at a favorite conservative punching bag -- The New York Times -- and tried to turn recent negative reports to their advantage.

"If that's the best hit the New York Times has got, they better go back to the well," Cruz said in dismissing an article raising questions about his adherence to campaign finance regulations.

"It's the New York Times. They're always wrong," Trump stated in rejecting a piece that said he called for a 45% tariff on China.


Marco Rubio

The senator from Florida started off strong with a slap-down of Hillary Clinton that also served to one-up his former mentor, Jeb Bush, and delivered a strong finish when he slammed Cruz as a flip-flopper. In fact, his attack was so cutting that it almost elevated him into the list of winners.

But despite his strong moments, Rubio was mostly out of view amidst the Trump and Cruz back-and forths.

He popped in with a zinger at one point, disparaging the Trump-Cruz feud as an "episode of Court TV" but did little more to seize the spotlight.

Unlike in past debates, Rubio didn't stand out -- and he let Christie get the better of him in some key spots -- a major lost opportunity as the two duel in the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire.

Jeb Bush

The former Florida governor was clear and concise in his delivery -- something that escaped Bush in the campaign's early debates -- but his adult-in-the-room persona often seemed starkly at odds with the direction of the primary conversation.

In response to Trump's proposal to ban Muslims from the U.S., Bush insisted, "This policy is a policy that makes it impossible to build the coalition necessary to hit ISIS."

Trump pushed back with a simple, straight-to-the-heart message that seemed to resonate with the audience: "I want security for this country. I want security. I'm tired of seeing what's going on."

While Bush might have won on policy points, his appealing-to-the-head campaign is showing no signs of racking up a victory.


6 Takeaways from the Republican Presidential Debate

Donald Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz dropped their buddy-buddy act -- trading blows in explosive exchanges over Cruz's Canadian birth and his denunciation of Trump's "New York values."

The two stole the show the Fox Business Network debate in North Charleston, South Carolina, where Republicans met for their second-to-last debate before the Iowa caucuses.

"I guess the bromance is over," Trump told CNN's Dana Bash afterward.

Birtherism: Cruz wins the battle, Trump wins the war

Cruz was ready to attack Trump over the real estate mogul's assertion that Cruz's Canadian birth (to a U.S. citizen mother) makes him vulnerable to accusations he is ineligible for the presidency, pointing out that Trump said in September that Cruz is, indeed, on solid legal footing.

"Since September, the Constitution hasn't changed. But the poll numbers have," Cruz said.

He said following Trump's logic to the furthest possible extent, Trump's own qualifications could be questioned due to the businessman's Scottish-born mother.

As Cruz rebutted Trump for raising the issue -- effectively winning the moment -- Trump essentially held his hands up and said he's not the one who's concerned.

"I'm beating you," Trump said. "I think I'm going to win fair and square."

And he succeeded in keeping the question alive -- a loss, in and of itself, for Cruz. Trump asked: "If you become the nominee, who the hell knows if you can even serve in office?"

That's the point Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe, the legal source Trump has cited and Cruz has dismissed as liberal, made on CNN after the debate. "If he did put it to bed, he's certainly sleeping alone," he said.

New York, New York

Trump seemed genuinely taken aback by Cruz's insult of his "New York values."

Cruz explained that jab, saying: "Everyone understands that the values in New York City are socially liberal, are pro-abortion, are pro-gay marriage, focused around money and the media."

That led Trump to launch into a lengthy, emotional defense, pointing to New York City's response to the September 11, 2001, terror attacks.

He said that "the people of New York fought and fought and fought, and we saw more death -- the smell of death was with us for months."

"We rebuilt Downtown Manhattan, and everybody in the world watched and loved New York and loved New Yorkers," he said.

Trump's response was moving, but to Cruz it was also predictable. That Cruz stuck with his "New York values" criticism anyway highlights his strategy as the campaign enters its final days: Cruz is heavily courting the evangelicals who dominate the GOP contests in Iowa and South Carolina.

The real four-man main stage

Trump and Cruz were at the center of the night's most memorable exchanges, but Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie traded blows as well.

Rubio accused Christie of supporting Common Core education standards, gun control laws and Planned Parenthood. Christie, echoing a Rubio comeback against Jeb Bush at a debate last fall, accused the senator of attacking him because he was advised it would work politically.

Later, Christie interrupted a wonky tax policy exchange between Cruz and Rubio by shifting the discussion toward entitlements -- and swatting down Rubio's attempt to interject, saying: "You already had your chance, Marco. You blew it."

That Christie was even a target suggests he has a leg up on the two other governors in the race -- Ohio Gov. John Kasich and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush -- for the lone ticket out of the New Hampshire primary, which looks likely to winnow the "establishment" crowd.

The debate raised a question: If Bush had a good night but no one paid attention, did he really have a good night?

He hit Trump over his ban-all-Muslims proposal and trade, but Trump wouldn't talk policy and dismissed him with a line that demonstrated why he's so often gotten the best of the former Florida governor, saying: "We don't need a weak person as president of the United States, OK? ... That's essentially what we have now, and we don't need that."

Kasich, meanwhile, got the most engagement of the night from 89-year-old former Democratic Rep. John Dingell, who tweeted: "John Kasich tells more "back in my day" rocking chair stories than me or anyone I know, and I was born during the Coolidge administration."

Marco's late save

Cruz thanked Rubio for "dumping your oppo-research book on the debate stage" -- and that's exactly what Rubio had just done.

More than two hours into the debate, Rubio saved what had been a mostly lifeless night by unloading a combination of punches on Cruz.

He hit Cruz on immigration, trade and voting against Department of Defense funding -- and in doing so, he alluded to a potentially damaging theme against Cruz: That he's willing to say and do anything to win.

"That is not consistent conservatism, that is political calculation," Rubio said.

Cruz fought back, arguing that Rubio had distorted his record at every turn and saying Rubio had allied with Democrats like Sen. Chuck Schumer while he sided with Republicans like Sen. Jeff Sessions on immigration.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll out Thursday showed exactly why the two are fighting. In a two-way race between Trump and Cruz, Cruz wins, 51% to 43%. But in a three-way race, Trump wins, with 40% to Cruz's 31% and Rubio's 26% -- suggesting that the two can't co-exist.

Obama's third presidential campaign

It's probably not surprising two days after the State of the Union address, but President Barack Obama was at the center of the debate.

The first question from Maria Bartiromo invited Cruz to take a shot at Obama's management of the economy -- and the Texas senator decided to also take a swipe at the President over Iranian TV pictures of the captured US naval crew on their knees with their hands on their heads.

Cruz and Christie subsequently both described the President as "a child."

There's no reason to expect the Obama talk to subside between now and November.

With his approval ratings in the mid-40s, Republicans think he's unpopular enough to be a liability for Democrats, especially when they mention him with Hillary Clinton in the same sentence. But at the same time, his high popularity among Democrats means that barring a huge slump in his favorability ratings, there's good reason for the eventual Democratic nominee not to run too far away from him either.

Undercard winner-by-default: Rand Paul

No, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul didn't change his mind and show up for Thursday's 6 p.m. undercard round.

But skipping the debate worked for him.

Over the past couple of days, Paul appeared on CNN, Fox News and MSNBC. He was interviewed on "The Daily Show" and "The Dr. Oz Show." He held a live Twitter town hall from the social media giant's New York City offices. He Periscoped for 20 minutes during the debate. He appeared on Glenn Beck and Laura Ingraham's radio shows.

It was a lot of exposure, and he didn't miss much -- the undercard debate with Carly Fiorina, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum felt like a non-event with three candidates whose moments have come and gone.

Still, if the undercard did nothing to change those candidates' trajectories, skipping it likely did little to help Paul's. It was the best option he had, but his message with the free airtime was mostly to complain about not having been invited to the prime-time debate.

"If you're designated as someone who is not in contention, that is very disruptive to a campaign that is about three weeks out," he told CNN's Alisyn Camerota on "New Day" Thursday. "There's only one debate tonight. Let's be honest about this."


The Most GIF-able Moments of the First GOP Debate of the Year

I can't get the pictures saved for some reason, so go view these at the SOURCE

Seems like I missed some fun stuff last night. Disappointed I missed the birther stuff, because I've been wondering about Cruz's eligibility since he announced he was running.

nikki haley, oh shit the internet is here, debates, ben carson, marco rubio levels of thirst detected, republicans. lol, rand paul, birthers, republican party, marco rubio, donald trump, chris christie, republicans, ted cruz

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