An ONTD_Political Investigation: Is the DNC sabotaging Bernie?

Dec 19, 2015 16:49

Just one day before the 3rd round of Democratic Debates, the Democratic side erupted into the long simmering war between the Establishment Democrat's of Yore & the Progressive anti-establishment base.

The Story:

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) uses 3rd party company NGP-VAN for their voter databasse software. They rent the information to state and federal candidates to conduct phone-banking, coordinate canvasing, help fundraising, and create models around who the campaign could target to come out and vote. Hundreds of thousands of volunteers use this to note bad numbers, who the people they speak to are backing (on a 0-100 scale) and it becomes the life line of any campaign. Their is a hefty fee to use this information and it's the DNC's job to make sure each campaign's voter ID information remains private.

During a routine software update done by NGP VAN, the firewall that keeps each campaign's voter info private experienced a glitch that allowed the info for everyone's campaigns to be seen by the competing campaigns. A statement by NGP VAN stated:

The company’s president, Stu Trevelyan, told reporters that the glitch that made Clinton’s campaign data visible occurred during a routine update to the software, and an audit is underway. He said that Sanders’ staff would not have been able to save or export any data they saw.


During the data breach, Josh Uretsky, the national data director of Sander's campaign, accessed some of Clinton's voter ID info- reports from "anonymous sources" reported to Bloomberg stated that 4 staffers performed 25 searched on Hillary's data.

Uretsky was fired immediately, and went on CNN to say that:

1) They had a similar issue in October which was reported to NPG VAN & the DNC; both assured the campaign it would be handled and that their own data was safe.
2) He knew full well they would see everything he was doing, but he wanted to assess what the damage would be to Sander's own campaign.
3) He, nor any other staffer, saved, downloaded, or exported any of Hillary's voter info.


Clinton's campaign came out swinging, with her campaign manager Robby Mook claiming that this was "no mistake" as the Sanders camp claimed and that it was more than an "inadvertent glimpse" and said that "data had been stolen."


DNC Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who some of us may remember as the Hillary co-chair who called Obama's team behind her back in the '08 primaries to pledge her allegiance, decided to suspend access to Bernie's campaign. His campaign manager held a press conference to go the fuck off on everyone, and accuse the DNC of being drama queen's to protect Hillary's coronation and threatened to take the DNC to federal court by day's end to get their data back.

image Click to view


Schultz went on MSNBC to again claim that Bernie's campaign had stolen and essentially dared his campaign to come for the DNC:

image Click to view

So, Bernie's campaign did. On Friday afternoon, they submitted a complaint in court. In it, they claimed that they were losing $600,000 a day in contributions, that the DNC was acting impartially, and they wanted $75,000 in retributions and costs.


After a late night of negotiations, Bernie got his data back. He also raised ONE MILLION DOLLARS off of the shut down of his campaign.

Source 2

What's suspicious here?

Sounds pretty cut & dry, right? A staffer accessed info he shouldn't have, and was fired on the spot, the campaign reported the breach, and all is forgiven? Not exactly. Schultz has long been accused of being a Hillary helper... and there's this:

@DWStweets This is all I need to know.

#Vangazi #DebbieGate #NGPVAN #dncgate #Sanders
- Kaydee King (@KaydeeKing) December 19, 2015

Our favorite closet Republican comes to the rescue:

Good for Bernie. The DNC is nothing more than an arm for the Clinton campaign.
- Jim Webb (@JimWebbUSA) December 18, 2015

The timing is especially suspicious as this comes right after his campaigns best day- getting over two million contributions, getting two big endorsements, the success of Bernie's interviews with Killer Mike & being named on of Barbara Walter's 10 most fascinating people.

Sanders campaign was also set to launch new phone banking software that helps eliminate no answers and bad phone numbers and would increase efficiency 10-fold. They were just waiting on integration with NGP VAN.


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Do you think Bernie is being sabotaged?

democratic national committee/convention, debbie wasserman schultz, hillary clinton, incompetence, bernie sanders

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