In an attempt to revitalize the place again, we'd like to recruit at least four new mods.
Things you need to be down for:
- Checking member complaints on the ONTD_Political Mod Comm and deliberating with the mod team to intervene and/or produce disciplinary decisions.
- Firing off Live Posts or Discussion Posts fairly on the fly, based on what's going down in current events.
- Actively checking and reviewing (approving/rejecting) membership applications.
- Actively reviewing (approving/rejecting) entry submissions.
- Setting up "Shenanigans Friday" posts.
- Editing/fusing/refreshing the tags list
Basic requirements:
An active history on Livejournal. This means -- sorry -- no accounts:
(1) used solely for lurking
(2) used for trolling/socking/identity fraud
(3) with sparse lj friends
(4) with few journal posts
(5) younger than 3 years.
If you've been anxiously watching the dormant comm and thought to yourself: "I can totally do this with my eyes closed", then opportunity knocks.
Reply in the comment section with why you'd like to help out.
We'll determine our impressions and -- depending on responses -- applicant selections in a week.