"Anna Duggar's Brother Wants 'That Pig' Josh Out of the Family"!

Aug 25, 2015 01:10

Daniel Keller, the older brother of Anna Duggar, echoes the thoughts of the nation by wondering what the heck his sister is doing by staying with her cheating and (worse yet) child-molesting husband, Josh Duggar. The answer-like all things Duggar-is horribly depressing.

In response to Jessa Duggar’s Facebook post about forgiveness, Daniel wrote, “You have to confess and forsake your sin to have mercy. Not sin, confess, repeat.”

“I have told [Anna] I would pay for her to move out here w me and pay for her kidz,” he wrote,according to Radar. “I don’t think Josh will see that this is a big deal and truly be broken until that happens. I beat my life on the fact that Josh has not come to true brokenness yet.”

“My parents are preaching stay with him,” Keller revealed. They’re more interested in how their daughter getting a divorce will make them look then they are in trying to truly get Josh some help and getting Anna and the kids out of there...”

“I told her I would go get her and her children stay with me,” he replied to another Facebook user. “She said she’s staying where she’s at. But I won’t stop trying to get that pig out of our family.”

Jesus Christ. This poor woman.


How sad is it that we're all so shocked that there is a reasonable-sounding person among the Duggars' extended in-laws? Damn...

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