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Comments 47

mycenaes August 21 2015, 19:18:22 UTC
_p, I have turned down a job offer for the first time in my life. is this what an economic recovery feels like?


fenris_lorsrai August 21 2015, 19:21:58 UTC
I got bit by the neighbor's dog today. fortunately it was AfTER I finished all the stuff I needed to do for art show, but still hurt ( ... )


evilnel August 22 2015, 02:48:54 UTC
Poor thing. I had a dog like this before too. She would just get excited and lose her shit and knock people over or destroy a wall because of anxiety and med changes. I'm glad you are understanding about this. I'm sure her owners are horrified and would be scared if it was someone less dog savvy. Glad the bite wasn't too bad!


fenris_lorsrai August 22 2015, 03:28:44 UTC
frida has accidentally chomped me once before several years ago, but didn't actually bruise me. She closed mouth on my pants and then back up... and took part of my pants with me. Fortunately it was as I was leaving to go home ( ... )


fenris_lorsrai August 22 2015, 16:18:38 UTC
UPDATE: next day after some icing and some stuff to control swelling: I have 3 small cuts and a 1/2 diameter bruise on single finger. it really only hurts if poked or I try to use full grip strength. so no weeding for a few days and should be all healed up just fine.


layweed August 21 2015, 21:37:23 UTC
I've been suffering from gout (probably) related arthritic pain in my big toe for like the last fucking month and omfgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg KILL ME NOW.

I've been to the doctor twice and gotten meds to deal with the inflammation but it's on again off again pain (though not as bad as when the full on attack hit) and on top of that I can't stay off my feet because that's how work is and stuff.

also i'm hopefully going to be in Oklahoma City for a work thing and if anyone knows of anything fun or interesting to do or see i'd appreciate any tips or stuff.


ladycyndra August 21 2015, 22:16:54 UTC
Pissed off at my sister right now. I'm ignoring her. Petty? Maybe but with all the shit going on in my life, having to deal with it, I don't have time for this. Ugh. OMG SO MEAN! No I'm not. Gee maybe look past your own crap and try and see whats going with me. You're not the only one going through shit.


FRIDAY EATS & DRINKS, _P! shortsweetcynic August 21 2015, 22:28:12 UTC
eats: half a cuban sandwich from publix and some greens

drinks: vodka soda with lime. too hot for anything else, tbh.

so, blegh. work is goddamn bananas this week because my colleague had her baby (both are happy, healthy and home, so yay), and i actually have to go in tomorrow, too, which is only fine because i'm billing time and a half because these fucking goobers left me LITERALLY ONE DAY to put their book together before it needs to go to the printers, and as of the time i left, they still hadn't sent me all the information.

also, i'm going home for a week in mid-september because my BFF is getting married and i've decided i'm just fucking done with visits after this. wanting time with me is one thing, but some of them are getting shitty about it. :/ so if they want more time with me, they can hop a flight and come see me; it's not like florida to colorado is a one-way trip.


Re: FRIDAY EATS & DRINKS, _P! wrestlingdog August 21 2015, 23:17:40 UTC
eats: salad from Saladworks (and likely snacks of some kind at a party later)
drinks: currently, Cherry Coke Zero. Hopefully people won't spend this party trying to get me to drink booze, which happens at a lot of parties I go to. /: (That's mostly my dad's relatives, though, so I think I'm safe at this party.)


Re: FRIDAY EATS & DRINKS, _P! fenris_lorsrai August 22 2015, 01:54:28 UTC
eats: lamb gyro from a kashmiri place.
drinks: TEA TIME.

I made lobster last Sunday cause it got stupid cheap (cheaper than hamburger, cheap) and then made stock from the remains, so I've got a quart of lobster stock in fridge. Gonna make chowder over the weekend.

a customer also brought me a whole bag of tomatoes from their garden. haven't decided what to do with them yet.


Re: FRIDAY EATS & DRINKS, _P! rhysande August 22 2015, 04:42:24 UTC
We've been eating salsa and bruschetta a couple times/week just to keep the baskets from overflowing. Also: tomatoes vinaigrette, tomatoes on sandwiches, tomatoes as garnishes, tomatoes in salads, sliced tomatoes as sides. I'm running out of ideas for ways to use them, except for recipes that have ingredients someone in the family can't or won't eat.


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