Mississippi the most eager state to see 'Fifty Shades of Grey'

Feb 19, 2015 10:12

Perhaps in Mississippi it should be renamed, "Fifty Shades of Irony."

The much-anticipated film "Fifty Shades of Grey" is scheduled to be released this Valentine's Day weekend. It is based on the erotic romance novel that has topped bestseller lists around the world. It is noted for it explicit descriptions of sexual practices involving bondage and sadomasochism.

The American Family Association and its president, Tim Wildmon, are urging everyone not to see the movie. Aside from the graphic sexual nature of the movie, the AFA said the movie promotes domestic violence.

In a Monday news release, Wildmon said, "The irony is not lost that the film's main character is named, 'Christian,' while this film presents anything but a 'Christian' view of intimacy,"

That's not the only irony here. It appears the AFA might be making this plea a little too late.

According to a blog post at The Washington Post's website, the film accounted for 60 percent of all Fandango ticket sales this week, especially in the South and Midwest. That makes it the highest-grossing R-rated movie in pre-release sales on the movie ticket website.

Fandango calculated pre-ticket sales for the movie and compared that to each state's average to determine which state seems the most eager to watch the film. The No. 1 state? Mississippi, nearly four times its average for pre-show ticket sales. And the first city to sellout a theater in Mississippi? Tupelo, where the AFA office is located.

But the AFA is not alone in its request to avoid the movie. Several pastors and bishops around the country are speaking out against the film, as well as domestic violence activists. Also, Dr. Miriam Grossman, a child and adolescent psychiatrist, said on her blog that parents can't "underestimate the impact of the hard sell on your kids. Even if they don't see the film, they are absorbing its toxic message, and need your wisdom and guidance."

The AFA news release made note of a social media movement (#50DollarsNot50Shades) that is encouraging moviegoers to donate $50 to a domestic abuse shelter instead of $50 to see "Fifty Shades of Grey."

"Nothing in 'Fifty Shades of Grey' builds up society, respects or empowers women or demonstrates healthy relationships," said Wildmon. "Rather, the film glorifies abusive relationships and glamorizes abusive tendencies such as stalking, bondage sex, intimidation and isolation. ... Both movie theaters and moviegoers can stand up to this kind of disgusting content that's touted as 'entertainment' and choose not to show or pay to see the film."


violence against women, get thee to a nunnery/monastery, drill baby drill, shit just got real, correlation=/=causation, not the onion, lesbian bondage strip clubs, pray the gay away, somebody please think of the children!, god save us from your followers, america fuck yeah, community organizing, sex ed, republican sex scandal, family values, sexual assault, deep throat, mississippi, stop fucking with the tags or youre b&, this is gonna be good

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