#FoxNewsFacts: Twitter reacts with aplomb to "Muslim-only city" comments.

Jan 12, 2015 19:21

Talk about poking a tiger. Steve Emerson, a so-called ‘terrorism expert’, got slightly more publicity than he intended after claiming on Fox News that Birmingham was “totally Muslim” and a “no-go zone” for non-Muslims.

In no great surprise to anyone, the Twittersphere rose up and amusingly proceeded to educate him (and Fox News) with the hashtag #foxnewsfacts.

Birmingham is home to just over a million people, of which roughly 46 per cent identify as Christian and just over 20 per cent identify as Muslim, according to the 2011 census.

Mr Emerson, author of six books and a documentary on ‘Jihad in America’, has been forced to issue a grovelling apology to Birmingham’s residents and has pledged a donation to the Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

It is not the first time the ‘terrorism expert’ has been accused of inaccurate in his reporting. Mr Emerson has been accused of being a "misinformation expert" by the liberal advocacy group Centre for American Progress.

Source: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/foxnewsfacts-twitter-users-react-with-aplomb-to-news-that-birmingham-is-a-nogo-zone-for-nonmuslims-9971829.html

OP: If you do only one thing today, click on the source and see Faux News being taken apart in the most glorious was possible. We'd laugh these jokers into the North Sea.

PS, may I suggest "wankery" as a tag?

oh shit the internet is here, this makes a negative amount sense, stupid people, scapegoating, twitter, you have annoyed me for the last time, america fuck yeah, internet/net neutrality/piracy, conservatives, unicorn chaser, lol wut, facepalm, uk, fail, you stay classy, terrorism, thank you! fuck you!, not intended to be a factual statement, europe, why was this approved, clusterfuck, fox news, propaganda, right-wing rage pimp, oh not this shit again, technology / computers, consider the source, fuckery, gaffes, republicans. lol, conspiracy theories/theorists, not helping, fuck this guy, batshit

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